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Trance-Scriptions XI, Part 1: Soul Group communicator ‘Luna’ delivers a powerful, life-changing address on the Law of Attraction
Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number XI, Part 1: Soul Group communicator ‘Luna’ delivers a powerful, life-changing address on the Law of Attraction
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance communication in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and the removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – XI (part 1).
Spirit Communicator: ‘Luna’
I should begin by explaining that there is a new personality – new to us – who wishes to speak this morning. It is a member of the soul group and I’ve been aware of his presence close to me for about three days. Now, the gentleman, I see him in silver. He is in a silver robe and on the top of that robe there is overlaid a darker pattern. I can’t describe the pattern; it’s too complex to my physical eyes to explain but it’s an intricate pattern. The gentleman is olive-coloured – I don’t know where he came from in his last life on Earth but he is showing me, as an introductory image to link me to him, the moon. He says that in his last life he was fascinated by the moon – not by the fact that it existed or that it was another heavenly body, but by the fact that it had a push-and-pull effect on the Earth. He was always fascinated by things that moved other aspects of the world, that pulled on them, that moved them in different directions, and he established during his life …(he is taking over)…
During my life, I established an understanding of the way that the law of attraction works and was fascinated by the fact that, as the moon pulls on the Earth – the Earth pulls on the moon and there is a dance between them in either direction. (By the way, if you want a reference, you can call me ‘Luna’. It wasn’t my name but it is something that is attractive to me (if you forgive the pun) because I identify still with the moon in many ways.) I learned during my life that there was a law of attraction. What I mean by that is that whatever we set up as a resonance within our auras, we attract more of the same.
That’s a very important thing to examine. If we want something in life and we desire it …we pull it towards ourselves. But subconsciously we also pull towards ourselves vibrations both negative and positive dependent on our dominant perception of life. We also pull into life – in that we create tomorrow today – we pull into life again that which we believe to be true. It is a law – it is a creative, spiritual law.
And so, not only are we creating and consolidating at any time around ourselves that which we believe to be true, we are also via that two-way push-and-pull motion pouring into society at large, into humanity as a group, what we believe to be true. So, if you believe the world to be violent, unjust, chaotic …then you, by what you pour into humanity’s collective Field, strengthen that violence, that chaos, that unrest, that distress. Then, as part of the vicious circle, you pull out of the Field that which you believe to be true, which in the case of someone who invests in a view of the world as being violent and chaotic …is more violence and chaos.
So, you feed yourself from the Field of humanity but you also feed the Field of humanity by your dominant beliefs and perceptions.
It is a strange thing to consider for many people because this law means that they are in charge of their lives. They are in charge of what manifests in their lives, but they are also in charge to a degree as to what manifests in the greater Field. It has become, over the decades and centuries, easy for much of humanity to blame its troubles on others; to seek dependence on others; to push anything that is worrying them, anything that is negative around them onto others and say: ‘I am suffering in this way but it is your fault!’ …I am suffering in this way but you can help me out of it. …I am suffering in this way because there is a cruel universe around me that wishes me to suffer’.
No, that’s not true!
That is not true. You are a spiritual being. You are a facet of Creation and, as a facet of Creation, you have within you, you manifest within you, you have access to within you, all the attributes of the Divine-energy that you originated from. You are a God in miniature. You are a Creator in miniature …although your creative power is equal to the Divinity that created you because you are part of that Divinity …therefore you are that Divinity …therefore you have access to all the attributes and capabilities of Divinity.
So, you find yourself in a physical world and you feel that that physical world is against you or is not what you want it to be and that the things that happen to you are as a result of that physical world, as a result of perhaps bad fortune, as a result of the chaos of the world and that you are a ‘storm-tossed cork in an ocean of chaos’ and there is little that you can do about it.
No, there is everything you can do about it.
There is everything you can do about it. First of all, you have to view your world in a different way. You have to say: ‘Yes, I can see chaos. Yes, I can see violence. Yes, I can see injustice. But those things do not apply to me. My world is just. My world is peaceful. My world is harmonious. My world is respectful of others and myself. My world is decent. My world is moral. My world is ordered. My world has Divine-energy flowing through it.’
And, you’ll think and feel initially that that’s a very difficult thing to do but if you do it – if you adopt that mindset – you’ll prove to yourself by increasing degree, from the point at which you have changed your approach to life, that you are attracting to yourself a different life. You are attracting to yourself the peaceful, harmonious, sustaining, spiritual, just world that you desire for yourself.
And, you will also notice that the revised personal world you have placed around yourself rubs off on others. It can’t help but do so because you are a receiver of the strengthening, via the vibrations around you, of that which you believe to be true …but you also then donate that which you believe to be true back into the Field of humanity. And so, at first you will affect the people around you and you’ll find that your family and friends have better fortunes when they are around you and feel better when they are around you. But make no mistake, you will also reach out into the heart of the Field of humanity and begin to change and begin to balance the Field of humanity through that which you believe to be true and that world that you perceive around you and invest in a hundred percent.
If and when enough spirits on Earth do this, the world will change and become what they desire from life. I am not talking about the petty things in life. I am not talking about attracting riches or attracting comfort. I am talking about attracting a spiritual connection in life. I am talking about attracting a reconnection for all souls to their spiritual origins. I am talking about a transformation of this world through viewing that transformation personally, through viewing that transformation communally and through pouring that transformed view of how life should be here into the Field of human consciousness.
Many of you of late over the past two or three years will have been saying to yourselves: ‘If only I could do something but I feel so defeated; I feel so exhausted; I feel so diminished.’ And, in feeling defeated, exhausted and diminished …vibrations of defeat, of exhaustion and of being diminished are being fed to you by the Field of human consciousness because they are being attracted to you via your dominant perception of life. This is not a criticism. I am simply explaining and seek to explain today the law of attraction and how attractive you are – how powerful you are as a spiritual being.
So, you have to rearrange your thoughts. It is your personal responsibility to rebuild your life in the image that you seek on behalf of yourself and on behalf of every other soul here. This is something that needs to be understood by every soul on Earth. And, you’ll say: ‘Well, it is not enough for me to contribute better vibrations to the Field.’ Well, perhaps it isn’t enough but it is a start and, unless you have a start, how can things begin to change?
So, if you are part of a spiritually-minded circle of people, please share this knowledge. Please, invite them to attract positivity, spirituality, better values into their lives and the lives of those that they love. And, many of them will say: ‘Well, I am ill. There is nothing I can do about it.’ …Or: ‘I am poor. There is nothing I can do about that.’ …Or: ‘I have no energy left. There is nothing I can do about that.’
No! No! NO! Listen to me, please! Whatever you believe to be true, you will attract more of!
And, yes, I know it is difficult when you are feeling ill but by viewing yourself as healthy, by viewing yourself as perfect …you begin to change the balance and you begin to heal yourself. And isn’t that what you want to do rather than viewing the illness and saying: ‘This is getting worse and it is taking me down a path of pain and suffering and eventual exit from this world.’ No! No – turn the tables on your illness! Turn the tables on your depression by seeing yourself as happy, by seeing every step ahead of you being put in place by the God within you – so you don’t need to worry about anything. Everything will be solved for you without you having to think about it.
Change your attractive values!
If you worry about the world (and so many of you do at the moment and with good reason) see the world as being the world that you would want to present to everyone for them to accept or reject. See the world as being just, as being fair. See truth emerging from the ‘boiling pot’ of negative vibrations that you find yourself in at the present time.See spiritual clarity emerging for every soul on Earth. See spiritual values being examined and considered and adopted and taken up. See a spiritual connection springing up between you and all souls around the Earth so that you transmit more strongly and effectively the positive view that you are putting in place.
Surely, Luna, it is more complicated than that – changing the world which is in such a mess!
No! Again, it is in such a mess because you have not yet viewed it as not being in a mess!
Perhaps have a notebook with you and on a certain day note down how many times you view the world negatively …note down how many times you view your life negatively …note down how many times you view the future negatively …and you will shock yourself! Then on another day, as you find yourself revisiting the same thought-patterns, replace them and note down how many times you successfully bring a positivity into your life in your view of the future and humanity and the world. It’s not easy.
It’s not an easy thing to do because you are so steeped, collectively and individually, in what you have been told to believe and invest in by society but your attractive power is stronger than any negativity on Earth. Your attractive power is stronger than any need to control you on Earth. Your attractive power is stronger than any will to coerce you, manipulate you, change your thoughts. Your attractive power sees through all that if you will apply it positively. Your attractive power brings to this world and to the individual the right kind of existence here.
So, if you doubt what I say and you need a visual to remind you, think of the moon. The moon is attracted to the Earth; the Earth is attracted to the moon. The moon doesn’t fly off into space – neither does the Earth. The Earth is attracted to the sun. There is this law of attraction in place and look at the harmony in that law of attraction. The Earth doesn’t fly off from the sun; the moon doesn’t fly off from the Earth; and the Earth doesn’t have to think about its orbit; the moon doesn’t have to think about circling the Earth. These things are natural because they are spiritually in place. They will change eventually, but for the moment there is a purpose to them and they are spiritually in place.
So, please if you would, begin to look at your life differently. You needn’t be ill. You needn’t be poor. You needn’t be down. You needn’t feel oppressed. You needn’t contribute to the chaos of the world. You can be a powerful nexus for positive spiritual energy. You can make a real difference in your own life, in the lives of your friends and family, in the lives of every soul across the world and in the future of the world itself.
You are of equal power to any other faction or professed ‘power’ in this world – actually, you are more powerful. You are more powerful when you use the law of attraction because you are acknowledging the Divinity within you …and the Divinity within you knows nothing about head-mind schemes, head-mind plans. The Divinity within you knows that it is Creation, that it is good, that it is harmonious, that it nurtures the souls in its care and that it will continue to do so long after the chaos of this world has been set aside.
Free eBook: Trance-Scriptions III – The Collected Soul Group Messages Sessions
Presented here, for the first time in written form, is Trance-Scriptions III, a further collection of higher-perspective insights gathered during a series of filmed trance-mediumship sessions, with me as the receiver and a number of luminous, loving souls as the generators of the sublime and highly informative transcripts of spiritual transmissions that follow, intended to raise our vibrations above the murk of collective thinking at the moment and gently remind us of who we really are and why we are really here.
Click the cover below, or use the following link to download your free PDF copy.
Trance-Scriptions X, Part 2: Why there are ‘Libraries’ in the Higher Dimensions
Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number X, Part 2: Why there are ‘Libraries’ in the Higher Dimensions
Following on from the Chinese Gentleman’s fascinating explanation of why it is so difficult for spirits from the higher dimensions to make and maintain a connection with people on the Earth plane, this new communicator from the soul group gives us an insight into the reason for the existence of ‘libraries’ in the cleansing spheres.
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance communication in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and the removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – X (part 2).
Spirit Communicator: ‘The Librarian’
The Librarian:
I wish to begin my talk with the words: ‘Silence, please …silence, please! No talking in the library!’
[Laughing] Why do I begin in this way? Because I have a specific task in my spiritual sphere at the moment (and there are many of us) – I suppose you could call me a librarian in that I am in charge of what presently manifests as a thousand books …a hundred thousand books …a million books …a billion books! And, if you were to see me now, I would – if you were expecting to meet a male librarian – be male; if you were expecting a female librarian – be female. I am both. I am neither. I have moved on from these things, but I manifest according to the expectations of those who come to me.
Why do people in the spiritual sphere that I inhabit at the moment come to me?
They come to me because they wish to enter my library and they wish to take down certain books. And, as a result of opening those books, they wish to gain insight into the experiences of people who have lived on Earth – people who have had experiences that they perhaps have not, or have gone through similar circumstances to the people requesting sight of those books but have tackled them in a different way and wish to enhance their vision of earthly experience by engrossing themselves, if you like, in a ‘book’.
Now, I must mention at this juncture that things are changing in my library [smiling] and not to my approval, I am afraid. Whereas each life that is available for viewing has for an awful long time been represented by a book, of late each life is now being represented by a tablet, or a computer, or a flash drive, or some other high-tech means of containing information. It is only a metaphor – whether it is a book or a computer screen or a monitor – it is a metaphor for what I am really presenting to people. But, nevertheless, I am traditional in that I prefer the printed word and the bound word and so I will be a little saddened if all the books that are on display in my library are at some stage replaced by representations of technology. And, I am sure at some point in the future (if the Earth continues with civilisation as it is at present – a refined civilisation, of course, or it will not continue as it is at present) then some other form of representation of records will slowly take over on my shelves – replacing the computer monitors and tablets and such paraphernalia.
Why would you have need of a library in one of the spiritual spheres – actually in several of the spiritual spheres because mine is not the only library?
Because the library gives access, as I have said, to souls wishing to enlighten themselves further by viewing the lives of others. A soul, for example, in a particular spiritual sphere will feel that they can benefit by viewing how certain other souls have gone through experiences that they either wish to experience or have gone through themselves but wish a more holistic view of how they could have tackled those challenges …and so they come to me.
And, I advise them as to which books would be of value to them – which books would help them accomplish what they wish to accomplish. Then, having agreed to view a book or several books, I send out a ‘call’ to the spirits whose earthly lives these books represent and ask them whether they give permission for their lives to be viewed. This is an instant thing. It may seem that I am doing something that on Earth would be impossible and, yes, I am. But what actually goes out is a call on the frequency of each soul whose book the spirit wishing to view those books, wishes to see. And instantly I get a reply – either: ‘Yes, that is fine’, or: ‘No, that isn’t fine’. And I have to make you understand that there is also another connection that goes out. As I ask each spirit whether the spirit that wishes to view their book can do so, I also connect them momentarily with the vibrations of the spirit wishing to view the book to help them decide whether they feel that their life would benefit that spirit and, indeed, whether they wish to share their life with that particular spirit personality.
That having been done, let us say that three spirits have said: ‘Yes, it is fine for the spirit wishing to view my life to view it’. I then take the spirit wishing to view those lives into a room and I present them with the three books. They have three books in front of them. I then leave them in silence and in peace and they open one book at a time.
As they open the book, the room around them disappears and they are immersed in the life of the person whose book they wish to view. From that life, they can fast forward, they can reverse and they can, by simply wishing it, move forwards in that life to the point of the experience that they wish to view so that they are not caught up in… not trivia but other aspects of that life that are of no interest to them.
Then, if they so wish, they can view that experience as …the nearest analogy I can get is… a ‘recording’ or they can immerse themselves in that experience and become that person for the length of the experience whilst also retaining their spirit personality. They become the person but they are still their individual spirit personality so that they can withdraw at any time and so that they can stop the experience at any time and make ‘notes’ as it were …note down what is happening …note down how they feel about it …note down whether it is helping them to advance and understand spiritual concepts or whether it is not of use to them. They then decide at some stage to, metaphorically speaking, ‘close the book’ and they move on to the next book.
Once they have taken on board enough information and found what they were seeking, the room appears around them again. I move into the room; I take the books from them; I bless them and they return to their life in the spiritual sphere they came from to visit the library. And, they contemplate what they have just been through with a view to many things …with a view to moving onwards to a higher sphere perhaps …with a view to understanding themselves better …with a view to understanding an aspect of humanity better so that they can, if they so wish, come back to humanity in spirit form to try to communicate and help those who are going through similar circumstances.
I mentioned earlier that there has to be an agreement from those whose lives spirits visiting me wish to view – that those lives can be viewed. If they refuse to allow a viewing of their life, then that spirit cannot view that life. If they refuse to let anyone view that life, then their ‘book’, as it were, remains on the ‘shelf’ and cannot be accessed until such time as they agree that what they have gone through and what they have done in their past life (lives actually – each ‘book’ has many ‘chapters’) then, only when they agree for that book to be opened, can it be opened.
Every life has a book.
You will know this from the life review – from the book Your Life After Death. Each one of you makes a record of your experience for your sake and for the sake of other spirits in times to come in your future in the spiritual spheres. There is a book and you are writing that book and are putting in snapshots and experiences and emotions every day of your life on Earth.
We have other books that are not easily accessible. We have books that are being written (they write themselves second by second) by those who, unfortunately, are at present in lower vibrations – in the Lower Astral, for example. It would not be a good idea for any spirit to read that book and, indeed, if a spirit has elevated itself to a certain extent, then the vibrations of those lower ‘books’, as it were, would not connect with that spirit. There would be nothing in there of interest to them and the experience – were they to lower their vibrations so that they could gain access to those books – would be an upsetting one and detrimental to their joy – to the bliss that they feel in being in the spirit spheres.
So, there are books that are accessible with permission; there are books that would not be a good idea to access; and there are books that are accessed by higher expressions of life. We have visitors from the angelic realms who study the books – again, with permission. We are not allowed to show them if a spirit does not give permission – free will is a constant throughout all the spheres. They visit to hone their experiences, to recall their lives on Earth and to seek ways particularly at this time to influence (by ‘influence’ I mean ‘suggest’) a course to spirits on Earth that might – and will, if they adhere to it – see them out of the troubled times that you are experiencing at present.
So, it is not yet your time to do so but you are very welcome to visit my library at some stage in your spiritual future when you have left the Earth behind but are still wishing to learn from the experiences that the Earth has brought to you.
The library is a place where people, who are ‘on the cusp’, as it were, who cannot decide whether to come back to Earth for another incarnation (we always advise them not to) or to move on into the spiritual spheres, are very often urged to visit so that they can view experiences that are similar to the ones that are pulling them back to Earth from another viewpoint. They can turn to the ‘last chapter’, as it were, in similar lives and see what the likely outcome of them investing in another life on Earth, with a particular goal in life, would be. And, I am always pleased when they return a book to me and say, ‘I’ve decided to move on’. There’s such joy!
As with all things in the spiritual spheres – where does my library and the other libraries exist?
…Everywhere and nowhere!
Everywhere and nowhere! It is an edifice that instantly presents itself to a questing spirit the moment that they seek advice, the moment that they wish to look at one of the books on our shelves, and the shelves are everywhere and nowhere, too. Everywhere and nowhere – we have our own individual sphere, I suppose you would call it, but it is linked to all of the other spheres so that we can instantly be called in and spirits can instantly visit us whenever they wish to take advantage of our facilities.
[Smiling] It is a joyous thing! You cannot imagine the depth and breadth of experience that is available to those moving through the cleansing spheres via the library. You cannot imagine the wealth of experience …emotional experience …mental experience …physical experience that is available to them and the opportunity to learn from triumphs and from mistakes.
And so, I leave you as someone that you will, no doubt at some stage in your existence, come face to face with. The face that you give me, the form that you give me, is up to you. I will draw it from the past lives and past images that I have of myself. I look forward to sharing, with permission, aspects of life with you that you have perhaps not considered and to filling in the blanks in your life because remember that your lives – your past life and current life – are only one viewpoint, are only one perspective, and there are many, many more.
Thank you for allowing me to, perhaps, broaden your perspective and I will take good care of the book of your life, which [smiling] I am not allowed to peek into …but I am allowed to be custodian of and to make sure that it fits into the matrix of experience at the correct slot.
God bless you all!
Trance-Scriptions X, Part 1: why communicating with souls on Earth is so difficult for evolved spirits
Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number X, Part 1: A fascinating trance session explaining why communicating with souls on Earth is so difficult for evolved spirits from the higher dimensions.
Following on from the previous session about the potential pitfalls for people on Earth attempting to communicate with the spiritual realms and the importance of having the right motive before seeking that contact, this fascinating address is from the opposite perspective – explaining why it is so difficult for spirits from the higher dimensions to make and maintain a connection with people on the Earth plane.
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance demonstration in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and the removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – X (part 1).
Spirit Communicator: Jane’s Mandarin Guide – ‘The Chinese Gentleman’
The first communicator today is Jane’s guide who always comes through as a Mandarin Chinese gentleman, and he has been around me for a couple of days. I know broadly the theme that he is going to talk on and I find it fascinating, but I always stop myself short of bringing through the entire length of the information until such time as they can take me over. So, I know the first couple of lines of what he is going to say roughly but I know he will expand on that, and I hope it is fascinating to you – it certainly is to me. So, if you bear with me for a moment, I’d like to allow this gentleman to move closer, and he has a great sense of humour with a twinkle in his eye and it is very uplifting to be able to connect with him. He wants to explain something that perhaps many people wonder about today – and that is why often the soul group will say that it is difficult to get through to us and that they can only operate for a certain amount of time before having to withdraw from this level.
The Chinese Gentleman:
I want to talk about your thoughts. I want to talk about how, perhaps when you are watching television or working on your computer or sitting down to a meal, you will – from your point of view – think that you are relatively still and focused. That’s not the case! You have around you that is part of you, an auric field and that aura is moving. The colours within it move but also you have within it, because of the many thoughts that you think and the many attractions you make via your thoughts, you have a number of different vibrations and those different vibrations, in the normal course of things during your normal day and night, are vying for position – dependent on the thoughts that you have at any one moment.
So, from our point of view looking at your aura, we don’t just see a moving sphere of colours – we also see a moving sphere of attractive vibrations because your subconscious is constantly flitting from situation to situation, from state of being to state of being. In other words, at one moment you will feel happy …the next moment you will feel doubtful about something …the next moment you will feel worried …the next moment you will feel angry …and you are drawing from your past and your present all the time subconsciously little snippets of information that influence your mood.
Now, those snippets of information are circling in your aura. So, even at the times when you feel you are still, there is this maelstrom of thoughts swirling around in your aura as you select various thoughts from your central point (which, as a human being, is around your heart) that relate to your past and your present …and change your mood and your perception. Those thoughts swirl into position around your heart from the maelstrom of thought that is contained within your aura. It is like watching a merry-go-round with a projector at its centre. You are the ‘projector’ and you are causing the merry-go-round of thought.
This is why we advise you to become still through meditation – to become properly still spiritually because, if you sit in a chair and watch television, you are not still – the circular movement of these thoughts is still going on within your aura. If you go for a walk, you are not still because you are taking with you your subconscious and conscious thinking and those thoughts are being presented to you from this circular motion within your aura.
Only when you decide to meditate and focus your mind and your heart, do you truly become still and the movement within your aura calms down.
When you are on Earth, it never calms down to a complete stop but it becomes slow enough for us to reach into that central point – that ‘projector’ and that ‘receiver’ – and to say: ‘Look, we are here. We can get through to you. We can contact you. We can communicate with you.’ And that might sound like a simple proposition now that I have explained it, but you also have to understand that your aura is circling, as you live on Earth, within the aura of humanity …within the sentient Field of human consciousness.
Imagine for a moment the sentient Field of human consciousness that has had poured into it the moving, predominant tendencies of humankind. So, at any one moment, there is within the Field of humanity millions of different vibrations …most of them negative …most of them harmful from a spiritual perspective …most of them chaotic …most of them random. And each of you as a human being – a spirit in ‘human clothing’ – has this personal aura with thoughts and dominant tendencies circling within it and then [smiling] those auras mingle with the greater aura of the Field of humanity that has billions of thoughts swirling around in it, circling.
So, for us trying to communicate with you – trying to revisit this lower frequency of vibration in order to make our presence known, we have to first penetrate the Field of humanity. What a task! [Smiling] I can only try and explain it in a visual to you.
Imagine that you are stepping from a train platform onto a moving train …but that moving train is not going in a straight line – it is spiralling. And, once you are on that moving train, other trains are coming at you from all sides …from top …bottom …sides …behind you …in front of you; and they are colliding with you and you have to avoid them. And then, within this moving train that is being hit by other moving trains, you have to find your contact and your contact has this merry-go-round effect within their aura. So, you have to maintain your position on the moving train but also put one foot on the merry-go-round and then you have to attempt to connect – whilst you are doing this balancing act – with the spirit at the centre of this merry-go-round of thought …and present clarity of thought and concept and clear communication to them!
Now, does that explain why it is so difficult for us to communicate with you? One of the questions that is asked is: ‘Why can I not see spirits? Why can I not communicate with spirits? If you are there, why can we not communicate with you?’ …Because it is dreadfully difficult for us to do so. We are a ‘balancing act’ in trying to communicate with you.
And of late (and we mentioned this at several points during the communication of the Joseph Communications) the Earth has stepped down in vibration as a result of the negativity that is around you all at the moment -as a result of you accepting what is material and rejecting what is spiritual. And so, the ‘moving train’ is moving faster …the ‘trains’ that are colliding with it are moving faster …your personal aura is moving faster. And, from our point of view where our vibration has to be slowed before we can even step off the ‘platform’ on our side, it is an exhausting business attempting to communicate with you and to maintain balance. Our energies become exhausted and we have to step back off that moving ‘train’. We have to jump back onto the ‘platform’ and retreat from your vibrations so that we can replenish ourselves, so that we can get on with our lives in our particular spheres and so that we can communicate with you at a later ‘date’, as you would measure it.
You make our job easier when you truly become still.
We still have to get onto the ‘moving train’ but you are easier to identify, you are easier to lock into and you are far easier to communicate with because we don’t have to fight your personal aura of thoughts in order to get through to you.
Meditation is perhaps a dirty word for many people and yet it is vital that you meditate and slow your vibration and slow those thoughts if you truly want to be of use to us as a spiritual worker on Earth and if you truly want to understand more about the spiritual aspects of life. Because, in disciplining yourself in this way and in doing it daily and in doing it regularly, you open yourself up as a channel to our connection. It is still difficult for us and it is difficult for you, but it is less difficult because you have made your own personal world more accessible to us.
So, I hope my little discourse today has illustrated why it seems so difficult for us to communicate …why we tell you that it is difficult for us to communicate with you …why we can only do it for a limited period …and why, if we are communicating through Michael, it is again a limited period. He has learned to slow his aura to almost a stop so that we can connect with him, but we have to push back the ‘moving trains’ that are around him and we work as a team. We have to push back the chaos of the Field of humanity and specific souls do this so that, in this example today, I can concentrate on a communication that is maintained, is coherent and makes sense. And then we have to collapse all that (as I am about to do because the next speaker wishes to speak) in order to withdraw successfully from Michael, and then the Field closes in around him and he is returned to the chaos that is around each of you.
I would invite you… the whole point of my discourse this morning is to invite you:
- To understand the difficulties that we have increasingly at this time in getting through to you, in bringing through the Light to you, in bringing through higher communications to you.
- To urge you to consider disciplining yourself and becoming an effective meditator.
When you effectively meditate, when you focus your head-mind on the heart, when you focus your heart-mind on higher values and higher concepts – then you become of great use to us and you become of great use to yourself, because we can not only channel in communication but we can channel in higher vibrations – healing vibrations, for example – vibrations that will identify you on a subconscious level to others as a ‘Light’ that they can trust and come to for advice, for enlightenment, for upliftment …and these things are in short supply at the moment on Earth.
So, thank you for listening to me. I have throughout this communication tried to impart joy and humour and upliftment through my words and through my vibration, and I hope that this will come across when eventually this discourse is made available to you in filmed format.
I now wish to hand over to your second speaker today. So, I will withdraw with great gratitude for you allowing me to speak and I will speak to you, hopefully, again in the near future.
To be continued in Soul Group Messages X (part 2)…
Trance-Scriptions IX, Part 2: An Evolved Spirit Asks Us to Consider the ‘Two Doors’
Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number IX, Part 2: An evolved spirit asks us to consider the ‘two doors’ we can approach when seeking spiritually, also offering refreshing observations regarding life and death.
It’s the midway point in this trance communication and, having delivered a detailed address concerning spirit guides and guidance (please refer to Soul Group Messages Nine, Part One for a full transcription), the Persian Gentleman now steps to one side in order to allow a new speaker from the soul group to take ‘centre stage’ and present us with additional higher vibrational insights.
This further sharing of soul-group wisdom begins with a stressing of the urgent need for more Light-workers currently, at the same time cautioning all who seek to connect with non-corporeal vibrations to thoroughly examine and fully understand their motives before attempting to do so. The address then concludes with a number of empowering and redefining statements regarding health, old age and how to approach physical death in the correct way.
Having waited for some years (as we measure time) for a ‘communication window’, via myself, to become available – the principal intent of connections with the soul group always having been to first make the Joseph Communications information available to humanity – this new orator from the group, to whom we allocated the name ‘The Spirited Native American’ (our terminology – not his actual title, of course) could barely conceal his absolute delight and enthusiasm at being able to finally share his wisdom with us.
As with each of these transcriptions, this soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance demonstration. In the transcript that follows, a handful of very minor ‘adjustments’ involving the transposition of the occasional word and the taking out of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version have been made.
Soul Group Messages – 9 (part 2).
Spirit Communicator: ‘The Spirited Native American’
Persian Gentleman:
As always, I think I have overrun things but I am going to hand over to another member of the soul group who Michael saw a few days ago.
And if PG will let me just sort of semi come back to my senses for a moment …I should explain that Jane and myself were talking about age and about the illusion of age a few days ago. And, as we were doing so, suddenly vividly in front of me, I could see a Native American gentleman who, I believe now (because he is talking to me) was in his eighties at the time, as he showed me a picture of himself and he looked wonderful. He had a red shirt on, he was tanned and he had the wrinkles of age but the vitality of his spirit shone out from him. And I knew that he was one of the people from the soul group who wanted to speak at some point to a greater audience. And so, I can see him at one side and I’ve got to allow him to overshadow me …to take me over again.
The Spirited Native American:
I am delighted! I am delighted to be able to speak to you. I am absolutely delighted! I have witnessed the Communications take place over many years and I’ve wished to bring through joy and to talk specifically about seeking connections. You’ve just been given an address about guidance. I want to talk about opening the door to greater consciousness and I’d like to show you two doorways: there is a right doorway and there is a wrong doorway, and both of them lead to spiritual consciousness …but not necessarily positive spiritual consciousness.
One of them leads to a greater connection with us.
One of them leads to a greater connection with chaos.
It is as though throughout your life two doorways are just ahead of you. One is a doorway that will allow you to commune, not only with your higher self but with us – with those of us that have moved on from the Earth level of consciousness. The other doorway is a doorway that many people, seeking to commune with spirits, choose to open instead of the first doorway …and that second doorway leads to chaos …and that second doorway leads to interference …and that second doorway leads to an influx of further negativity into the world.
If you want to open the doorway to spiritual communication – it is open to you! It is not locked. What I mean by that is that at the moment you are having to receive information through a medium – through someone who has become attuned to speaking and communicating with higher dimensions. You have the ability to speak to, to listen to, and to communicate with higher dimensions – to open that first doorway …but you have to decide what your motive is.
You see, many people on Earth who wish to speak to spirits, who wish to connect to higher vibrations, wish it to be something that aggrandises their personality …that makes them special …that makes them someone that people can say: ‘Look what they can do! Aren’t they important!’ …That makes them feel powerful. Also, with many souls wishing to expand spiritually (and I use that term reservedly) they also wish spiritual power. They know that objects can be moved, for example. They know that objects on Earth can be influenced …that doors can be slammed …that windows can be rattled …that chairs can be moved, and they see that as being an important factor of the spirituality they are seeking. Well, that spirituality is negative. Occasionally it is used to prove that there is someone there during a higher communication but for the most part it is negative. It does not enhance the individual trying to access spiritual information.
And what is more, it connects that individual with spirits who have not yet learned sufficiently to elevate themselves above the level of the earthly consciousness and find great delight in connecting with the negative aspects of the earthly Field. And so, seeking such activity and wishing only to go through that door to attract that type of activity, results in an aura of chaos and negativity around the person seeking those things; and also connects them, very often, with spirits who will say one thing but mean something else entirely and with spirits who can connect, via the person that is ‘inviting them in’, as it were, to audiences and individuals seeking their help.
And so, it is extremely important, if you wish to make a connection to spiritual influences – to higher vibrations – that you have to seek vibrations that are higher, not lower. You have to go through the first door. You push that door open through earnest seeking …through, again, becoming quiet …and through examining, in those times of peace and stillness, why you wish to make the spiritual connection. Why do you want to make it? Why do you want to talk to us?
Why do you want to talk to us?
If you want to know more about your own path and understand what you are – you are going through the door on the left. If you want to serve others and bring through enlightened information and the Light that can change things on Earth – you are going through the door on the left. If it is your intention to stream spiritual information without feeding your ego, without positioning a spotlight in front of yourself and saying, ‘Look at me!’ – then you are going through the door on the left. And your request, your seeking of that spirituality,your need to be of service will not be ignored. I repeat that …will not be ignored! You will become of service in some way.
If you wish your connection to the spiritual (and by ‘spiritual’ I mean outside of the earthly, material vibration) to be a source of income …if you wish your connection to be something that puts you on a platform so that others can admire you …if you wish your connection to be so that you can perform parlour tricks and amaze people because something has moved a couple of centimetres during the time when you’ve connected to the vibration, then you are heading through the other door – the door that is marked ‘chaos’.
I hope I am making this clear. What I want to boil this down to is that each of you is a spirit. Each of you, therefore, has automatic access to spiritual communication – just as you have automatic access to someone that you acknowledge walking down the street. You can communicate with them – you are of the same type of vibration and you can communicate. You can communicate easily with the realms beyond the Earth, should you wish to on behalf of others …should you wish to help this world regain its spiritual consciousness.
And there was a time when each of you automatically had access to each of us, when we could commune very easily, when that ‘door’ swung both ways very easily and conversations could be had, information could be exchanged and questions could be answered so that spiritual progress could be made on Earth. That’s not the case now. But in earnest seeking, in earnest examining of self and saying: ‘Yes, I wish to do this’ (and in the understanding that, if you do wish to do this, you are sacrificing a lot of the so-called ‘pleasures’ of earthly life) then you have access to that door. And you can simply by saying: ‘What do I do next, Father?’ …step onto that path that will lead you into spiritual service.
If you are looking at spiritual communication as an entertainment, as an add-on to your earthly life that will give you respect, as something that you would love to have access to because you can wield power – you can do ‘spooky things’ – then you are heading for the other door. And I would ask you, if you are considering the other door at the moment, to head away from it. We will firmly lock it from the other side but it can be pushed open. It shouldn’t be pushed open – there is enough chaos around the Earth at the moment and we would advise you to step away from it.
Your world needs spiritual workers. It needs those who are prepared to put aside their earthly life and become a connection for others, become a source of Light for others.But you have to be aware, before you take that step, that there are two paths you can take – two ‘doorways’ that you can stand in front of. Please, stand in front of the left one if you are prepared to work for others. If you are not, then enjoy your life and leave the higher vibrations and the discarnate vibrations alone – they are not for you!
Now, before I go, Michael mentioned the fact that I came through when he and Jane were talking about age. I came through at that point because we had a very different approach to age than you do at the moment. We looked at our lives as a journey; we knew when that journey was ending but, until it ended, it was still the same journey. Our ‘vehicle’ might appear different; it might gain lines but the wrinkles were regarded as a badge of honour – as a sign that this person has gained wisdom and we saw, in each wrinkle and each line, a challenge faced and overcome. We saw an aspect of a particular life ticked off correctly. We looked at our elders as people that commanded great respect and we went to our elders when we were uncertain as to what to do next because we knew that they would have the answer.
We did not, as we aged physically, acknowledge that age at all. We did not acknowledge illness – except as an accumulation of negative vibrations that could be dispersed by the elders of the tribe.And so, if someone was ill – if someone, for example, had a cancer, we would view that cancer as an ‘invader’, as an ‘unwelcome passenger’ as we travelled through life. The elders would sit around the person with cancer, would place their hands on the person and would elevate the vibration of the person above the vibration of the cancer so that the cancer had to loosen its hold and fall away, which it often did within days – sometimes within hours – because we knew that the person could not suffer from that cancer unless their vibration was at such a low ebb that they could let in a similar vibration from the cancerous growth. So, we would raise their vibration and, in raising their vibration, sometimes you could physically see the illnesses fall away.
With age we did not fear death because regularly we communed (as I’ve been talking about communion today) with the elders that existed in the higher vibrations. They would come close to us at times when we prepared sacred days and specific times when we would divest ourselves of the earthy vibration – of our cares and worries – and would connect to higher vibrations to seek wisdom. So, we each knew from the time when we could understand this as earthly individuals that we were not going to die …we were simply going to go through another doorway. And, because we knew and had that connection with higher vibrations, we became aware on average about five years before we were going to pass over that we were going to make the transition and we prepared.
We prepared and, because we knew of that fairly imminent departure, we could put our affairs in order. We would pass on some of the things that we had to our family and friends. We would make peace with our family and friends. If we had had altercations with anyone or if there were some grudges that were still being held on to (no matter how minor) we would ask whether we could visit those associates – those friends that we had perhaps got out of step with. We would ask their forgiveness …we would put our arms around them …and we would make sure that the harmonious vibration between us was restored before we stepped out of this earthly life.
It was as though we had a body clock that, closer to the time, gave us an exact time when we would step out of materiality. Some of us would choose to go surrounded by family and friends, but some of us (as in my case) considered that this was a very private and sacred moment and would go out into the fields or out into the forest and would simply sometimes stand one moment and then in the next moment be back in the spiritual realm with our body having fallen away like the leaves in the surrounding forest …or we would sit under a tree or in the middle of a field and sometimes, as our companion during those dying moments (‘dying’, of course, only for the earthly body) we would be joined by a buffalo or a deer or a hawk or an eagle that would see our safe passage through into the Light.
The reason I share all this is because, when I look at the Earth now, I see that old age has become something that is a ‘monster’ that is ahead of you. It is something that you worship in a perverse way: ‘I am getting old. I am becoming frail. I can’t do this. I can’t do that. I am at a certain age – therefore this is not available to me. I can’t operate on this level. I can no longer function on that level.’ And I see a vibration that should sustain you until the very moment that you pass over being weakened …being weakened by drugs …being weakened by perceptions that you are old, that you are useless, that you can no longer function.
No! You are meant to function perfectly until you move on.
So, please, consider that. I don’t come through to criticise. I come through to say: ‘Look, age is an illusion but age is also a series of medals you can wear proudly on your chest …I’ve done this …I’ve done this …I’ve done this …I am still here …I have moved on …I have grown …I am more than I was.’
And it is only because the world tells you that you have less energy that you believe it …and have less energy. It is only because the world tells you that you are ill that you believe it …and become ill. It is only because the world tells you that you need to be dependent on certain substances and certain objects as you grow older that you invest in those objects and those substances …and you weaken yourself.
Don’t weaken yourself!
Whether you are one year old or one hundred years old – you are full of Divine-energy and you can use that Divine-energy right until the end. And by ‘end’ I mean a step through that third door into a new existence – not an end, not oblivion, not the shutters coming down, not running out of energy – simply a movement from this world into a better world …into the next world.
Take Some Time Out
This week it’s time to take a breather and take stock of the important lessons we have shared over the past 12-months gathered together here as a series of free eBooks that you can download and read at your own leisure.
We also launched a podcast in 2023 where you will find Michael G. Reccia and Tony Clarkson discussing spiritual matters. So, whether you want to sit back and read, or curl up and listen, we’ve got you covered here at the Joseph Communications.
Sit Back & Read
A series of free eBooks collected together for the first time. You can click each banner for more info.
Curl Up & Listen
Enjoy a regular break from the pressures and demands of the physical world as you tune in to Michael and Tony, who each week will share knowledge offered by an advanced soul group as they focus on, examine, explain and often redefine aspects of spiritual life you may long have sought further insights into. Click the image below for more info.