Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Part VII: Amazing insights on living and experiencing as a Soul Group member
What lies ahead for us once we become a member of a soul group? How do we operate? Are we still individuals? The prospect might seem daunting and alien to us when viewed from an earthly perspective, but consider this… each of us is actually a soul group member right now. We are, in greater reality, already part of a harmonious and highly creative community – a close-knit extended family – of spirits. We have simply forgotten that fact due to the limiting, masking effects of earthly consciousness and the effects of the Fall.
In today’s trance session a specific and spectacular aspect of soul group life is described and discussed by our first speaker – a lady from Joseph’s soul group – and, as always, the life that lies ahead of us once our short visit to Earth is over is revealed to be an amazing, liberating, joy-filled experience.
A second soul group communicator then delivers an urgent but uplifting message for all humanity, prior to a coda to this session being offered by Joseph himself.
As names are rarely used once we have left this life behind, we have, as usual, assigned our own ‘titles’ to the speakers (with the exception of Joseph who stated his name when he first began delivering the Communications books) so that you can identify who is speaking. In the first case, the chosen title is based on how the lady appeared to me during the communication; and in the second, we have opted for a reference reflecting the gentleman’s deep concern for humanity and his sincere hope that his words do not fall on deaf ears.
As with previous Soul Group Messages transcriptions, this session was originally filmed ‘live’. In the following written-word version I have made a handful of tiny ‘tweaks’. These are minimal, in that I have transposed the position of the occasional word and taken out any small repetitions of phrases perfectly acceptable in speech but less relevant in a text presentation. These small amendments aside, the following text is a faithful presentation of what transpired and what was said during the original video session.
* Moments of altered consciousness… those points at which I am switched between a clairvoyant connection and a trance state – and back again – are indicated in the text.
* Huge thanks go, as always, to Jules Gadiot for his dedication and hard work in transcribing the material.
Soul Group Messages – 7.
Spirit Communicators: ‘The African Lady in Gold’; ‘The Concerned Gentleman’; Joseph.
Michael (beginning the session with a short introduction regarding the initial speaker, received via a clairvoyant link):
I should explain that the soul group messages seem to be an opportunity for members of Joseph’s soul group that we haven’t spoken to before because we concentrated on bringing through the information from Joseph himself as a spokesperson, to talk. And so, I have someone here today that I haven’t seen before – but I know that they are part of the same soul group. I have a lady and she appears to be African. I don’t think she’ll mind me saying this but she is quite ‘voluminous’ in appearance. She’s a black lady and she is in a gold robe with a gold hat on… not a turban type – it is more of a pillbox type of hat which matches the gold robe that she is wearing.
The African Lady in Gold:
She says she wants to talk about Divinity this morning and that it is a dangerous subject to broach from the point of view of the Earth plane, but it isn’t once you get past the Earth plane and back into the spiritual spheres, because, once you have elevated yourself to a certain extent, you are absolutely aware – in the air, in everybody that you meet, in the structures that are around you – that there is a God.
(The communication continues with Michael in a trance state from this point onwards.)
In fact, you are absolutely aware that there is nothing else but God. And so, I do not apologise for talking about God, about deity, about Divinity this morning, because each of you will discover – no matter what you believe at this point (whether you are an out-and-out atheist or whether you already have some faith) that there is a superior intelligence, a superior creative force. You will come face to face with the fact that that force does exist, once you exit this world and have reached a certain point in your personal evolution.
I want to express how we experience God. We can experience God in many different ways but we experience God as Light within and Light outside of ourselves. And I want to bring your attention to your physical sun …your physical sun that warms your planet is not a coincidental creation/expression of matter. The sun is an expression of the Divinity that is within each of you. The sun is a central point in your solar system and the Divinity within you is a central point within your physical and spiritual make-up. And the sun on Earth was acknowledged as such before you became so complicated, before your thoughts became so stacked and layered …and pushed out any notion that what you see outside of yourself could be a reflection of what you see inside of yourself and could also be an expression of what is …what exists on a higher level of being than the material plane you find yourselves on.
So I want you, before I talk further about how we enjoy communication with Divinity, to consider in future that the sun is not only a physical warmth for you – it is a Divine warmth for you. It is a reminder in your sky that there is a point within you that is Divine and that that Divine point is connected to you always and experiences what you experience …and knows what you know …and looks at your attitudes …and looks at your spiritual well-being …and looks at your spiritual progress …and knows all of these things and that there is no hiding from the sun. There is no sheltering from the sun, really, because the sun is always there and is the defining point of your existence from a physical point of view.
As we have explained before, as a soul group we have a great amphitheatre; we have an area we can go to, to listen to lectures and to listen to concepts and examine concepts from higher points of view that we can then consider …and if we find them in tune with what we want to accomplish, then we absorb them into ourselves and into the fabric of our soul-group-community mentality.
But there are other uses for the amphitheatre and every so often a call goes out to each of us. It is a call from within; it is a knowing that we need to congregate together in that amphitheatre. And although there are many, many souls – there are many of us in this particular soul group – the amphitheatre expands and the number of seats expands to accommodate us all on every occasion. And so, we stop what we are doing …we literally stop what we are doing, and I mean by that, if we are engaged in some activity, we ‘freeze frame’ it (is the best word), we stop it and take part of ourselves out of the activity so that we can rejoin it once we have undertaken what we wished to undertake – this celebration in the amphitheatre.
So, what is in front of us and around us stops, and we step out of it, as though we are stepping out of a picture or a frame in a film or a television programme. And we find ourselves in the correct ‘seat’, as it were, with those that we wish to connect to – although we are connected to the entire soul group, we have clusters within the soul group dependent on what we are doing at any time. We find ourselves sitting in seats with our friends, our brothers and sisters, and there is a hush …[a hush] falls around the amphitheatre. And there is a concentration on the centre point where usually there are lecterns where people stand and deliver lectures and addresses to us. And those fade from view until we have an empty point in the centre.
Then in the centre a point of Light appears – golden Light. And that golden Light grows, expands, to become …I suppose you would describe it as a ‘mini sun’… and it is far more glorious than the physical expression of your sun. It has within it exquisite patterns that interconnect and divide and change and have within them music and vibrations that you can sense and you can hear and you can see.
And from this central point – this ‘sun’ – spread out rings of energy, rings of intent, rings of communication. And the first ring that washes over us and through us is always a communication of Love. It is a communication of complete inclusion, of complete peace, of complete bliss, joy, being and belonging (and those words are inadequate to express what I am trying to get across but they are the closest that I can get to to demonstrate what I mean). In this state of Love, subsequent rings come out from the central point and those rings reveal to us further aspects of Creation …reveal to us future potential …reveal to us things that the Divinity-point is examining and considering and sharing with us and sharing with the angelic host that is above us at this time, also ‘sitting’, as it were, to receive information from that central point. Those potentials are seen, heard, felt, and considered by the whole group.
And we then, having been fed with future possibilities that we have not examined or considered before, find that we blend even more than we do normally when we are not sitting in this celebration. Normally, we are acutely aware of one being part of the other, that we share our experiences, we share our histories, we share our future hopes, we examine potential together and we are very, very connected. But at this point the waves that come out from that central Divinity-point – that golden orb – we blend with them. And, it is not that we lose consciousness, it is that we share consciousness with all things, with everything, with every aspect of Creation. Words are totally inadequate to describe this experience but it is a mingling, a knowing, an examination of all things, a celebration of all things and a celebration of future things not yet created on a physical level or a spiritual level. There is no fear from us going into this state because we know that we will emerge from it. We know that we are perfectly safe and the actual experience is beyond our present experience as souls that are part of a soul group… which in itself is bliss. This is bliss …upon bliss …upon bliss.
At some point – the feeling is that you have been within the sensation for a nano second but also for an aeon – at some point we regain our sense of individualism as members of the soul group. And the wave of energy that we have partially absorbed but can still be seen in the atmosphere, gradually subsides …and subsides …and retreats into the central point and the central point itself retreats …and retreats …and retreats to just a pinpoint of Light which then fades away.
Usually, we are so humbled by the experience that we sit in the amphitheatre for quite some time, not saying anything to each other, and then there is an excitement that goes around the circle – excitement because we have been fed with new potential, with new things to examine, with new directions that we can go in, if we so wish. And, we gather in the subgroups within the soul group to discuss; and recap; and plan; and strategise; and incorporate into our future existence, from that point onwards, all that we have been given. And then we return to the ‘freeze frame’, each of us …whatever we have been doing… and we step back into the ‘freeze frame’ and we start the experience that we have been having again from the point at which we stopped it. That is one way in which we experience Divinity and remind ourselves that Divinity is talking to us all the time.
The other way that we experience Divinity – God – is by quiet contemplation, and we have wonderful settings we can go to. We can sit by a lake or we can sit in the mountains of the alpine landscape (that is still our choice at the moment for our soul group to exist within) and we can become very, very still. Again, we can stop everything but we can also stop, not only what is going on around us, but what is going on within us. We can stop any activity that we express as spiritual beings and take a journey inwards …and inwards into the quiet …increasing quiet …increasing stillness …almost into a void and, at the centre of that ‘void’, the experience that we have had in the amphitheatre is also available to us.
But it is a different experience, in that the Divinity-within – that point, that burst of Light within at our centre – speaks to us of our own, individual, personal path and the individual, personal opportunities that are available to us; the choices we are making; the progress we are making; the direction in which we are heading; the future that is opening up for us if we wish to take it. And so, we are given encouragement, love, and above all, communication; it is an opportunity for us to communicate.If there is something we don’t understand, we can ask the Divinity-within. If there is something we wish to expand our knowledge [of], we can ask the Divinity-within. And part of that process is to be completely silent and not think and not ask at all but to allow the Divinity-within to talk to us …to provide an opportunity for the Divinity-within to talk to us.

And, I have to say, all that goes on – the experience of the amphitheatre and the experience within us – all that goes on with our permission. We are held in such regard as individualised facets of Divinity that, should we not wish to talk to Divinity and not wish to hear anything (which of course we always do), our permission is asked. Our permission is asked because our viewpoint is viewed as sacred. Our individuality is viewed as sacred, and, should we not wish at any time to allow the Divinity-within or without to communicate with us, that is our choice. That is the extent of the free will that we have and that you have on Earth but you choose to disregard for the most part.
I wish to end my particular talk by showing Michael that I am a motherly soul. I have been male and I have been female but I choose to be motherly, and it is this motherly aspect that I wish to embrace you with. I wish to put my arms around the whole world and around each soul at the moment and to bring in the ‘children’ and say: ‘You have been playing and you have been playing roughly!’
…And it is time to stop playing roughly. It is time to realise and remember that you are part of the same family, and it is time to realise that you exist in Love, and that you (as we have) have the choice as to whether to listen to the Divinity-within and to acknowledge the Divinity-without. And, we always make the choice, of course, because it is such bliss and it is so wanted …we always make the choice to connect, to say: ‘Yes, please, please talk to us. Please advise us. Please share with us your incredible experience, your incredible knowledge.’
You have been making the choice not to listen to the Divinity-within and not to acknowledge the Divinity-without. Were you to do so, your present problems would not be ‘present’ and would not be ‘problems’.
And, as a mother has to sometimes gently correct the child under her care, I have to say I wish to gently correct you by reminding you that you are playing roughly …that you are playing badly …that you are causing harm and, at the point that play causes harm, it is no longer ‘play’. And I speak to every soul on Earth – from the soul who would consider his or herself ordinary in what they do to the soul who considers his or her mission so powerful, so important, so focused on them to the exclusion of the other children. I speak to you all and I say: ‘It is time to come in. It is time to come within and rediscover the Divinity-within and it is time to stop playing roughly.’
I will now hand over and thank you for listening to me. Please, consider what I have said. Please, contemplate what I have said. And, we will be with you to help you, if there are aspects of this that seem unusual to you, so that you understand them better. It is time for me to hand over to my brother…
The ‘Concerned Gentleman’:
‘Brother’. ‘Sister’. They are, again, approximations of what we feel and what we are, but they are loose approximations. Being in a soul group is like having a super-family but without the stresses and strains that inevitably families experience on Earth and without the conflicts of approach that families experience on Earth. Every member of the soul group is loved equally by every other member of the soul group.
Imagine a world, from your point of view now, where there is nothing to fear, where there is no conflict vocally, or physically, or globally, or societally – no conflict. Imagine all those barriers stripped away so that you can work and progress and expand in a totally secure and supportive atmosphere. Imagine what that must be like. But that atmosphere is something that you can create on Earth as well, if you would only realise that every soul that you come across is your brother …is your sister …is part of you …is deserving of your respect …is a sacred object that you must not harm. Imagine how your world would be! But that is not why I have come to talk to you this morning.
I want to focus on unity and what can be accomplished through unity. My sister has spoken about the potential that we examine. One soul can accomplish so much; one soul is the creator eventually of universes. But imagine, at this stage in our development (and remember that we are not back in an angelic state yet; we have risen to a certain extent vibrationally and our lives are completely different than yours, but we have not yet reached that angelic state of creation again yet) so imagine what we can accomplish by joining together; imagine the connected power of the soul group when embarking on projects.
Now, what projects do we embark on? Well, I have to leave us till last. I have to talk about other soul groups, and other soul groups have different agendas than we have. For example – and we visit these soul groups, and we wonder and marvel at the things that they are accomplishing – there is one group that is solely investigating the effects of… you will have seen the rings of Saturn, for example. There is one group that is examining – not Saturn, but a similar planet on a physical level (but viewing it from an advanced spiritual level) and examining the potentials of the vibrations of those revolving rings to alter the experience of the souls visiting the planet in material form. In other words, they are spending and enjoying their time looking at how the push and pull of those rings affect the matrix of that planet so that that planet can offer very precise opportunities to evolve to the souls who will visit it from the angelic realm, clothed in matter.
There is another group that is examining devic potential and looking at the ways in which the devas create specific forms of life to house the spirit …not necessarily the human spirit… different types of spiritual expressions housed within material form. And that group is examining how devas create and trying to understand more about how they make decisions as to how forms should be formed, as to what form spirituality-clothed-in-matter should take across different horizons, across different planets. And they are examining not only that potential but whether they wish to join in with that project as devas themselves in time to come.
From our point of view, we as a soul group (as you know, if you have read the Joseph Communications books or listened to our previous communications) are concerned for the future of humanity and the future of the spirits who are at present locked into a cycle of connection with the Earth and reconnection with the Earth until such time as they approach this earthly life – your earthly life – from the point of view of it being an experience that can be moved away from, should you wish to move away from it. We are concerned with the vibrations that you caused long, long ago – that you are infused by and that caused you, as a group, to continually make the same mistakes, to continually harm each other and to continually come back to Earth – when your option is to move through the spiritual spheres beyond the Earth to our level of existence, beyond our level of existence and eventually back into angelic Infinity, where the experiences that you will undergo are blissful, are joyous, are God-like …increasingly God-like.
And so, our connection, our unity, is focussed in your direction and it is something quite unique in a soul group, in that the whole soul group is focussed primarily on this task. You wouldn’t think so, would you, when you look at Earth at present? You wouldn’t think that there was any input from us at all …andyet, without that input you would be even further down the dark path that you find yourselves [on] today.
So, unity is something I wanted to discuss and to try and make you understand that when you unite and you strip away your differences – realising that those differences are an effect of the communal vibrations that are around you that you have contributed to lifetime …after lifetime …after lifetime – then you begin to get somewhere. That unity, when you strip away your differences, gives you increased Divine power and increased Divine vision and perspective. And, it is Divine vision and perspective that you need at this time. So, my encouragement to you all is to extract yourself in the way that you think and the way that you act from the …not the ‘unity’ of yourselves… but from the communal, the societal connections that you are making. Extract yourself from the violence. Extract yourself from the hatred. Extract yourself from the need to dominate. Extract yourself from your way being ‘the only way’. And in doing so you will be fed by that Divine-point that my sister spoke about earlier. You will be fed by that Divine inspiration and instruction that will take you forward as a united force that will change things on Earth forever.
And, to use a modern term: ‘Boy, do they need to change! Boy, do they need to change!’ It has become increasingly difficult for us in recent years to connect with you on Earth. From our point of view …and this is only an analogy… it is like sending a beam of Light that hits an increasingly dense wall. In times past, that Light would permeate that wall to a certain extent and reach through to the souls that live on the other side of that wall. For the present, the wall is becoming thicker. Now, that might seem like a frightening prospect to you: why is the wall becoming thicker?
Why is the wall becoming thicker?
It is becoming thicker because you are making it thicker by feeding the Field of human consciousness with your negativity, with your divisiveness and with your exclusion of the point of Power-within.
You see, the wall that we come up against in our efforts to extricate you from current conditions is a wall that is created. It is a spiritual expression (and I don’t mean spiritual in a good sense, [but] spiritual in a negative sense) of your desire to exclude Divinity from all your dealings in life; an expression of your desire to exclude unity between yourself and Divinity from your lives. You give form, as we’ve often said, to what you believe to be true, to the major influences and desires in your lives communally; and you desire to exclude Divinity as an outmoded concept. You desire to exclude what you are and, in doing that, you put up this wall that we find increasingly hard to penetrate.
This is why it is so difficult for Michael to make [a] connection with us and to maintain connection with us more than once every few weeks. Had he been born in a previous era, he would have been able to do this on a weekly basis …perhaps even on a daily basis… because the Light could get through.
So, I am asking you to unite to find your similarities rather than your differences; to celebrate your similarities rather than your differences; and to unite not only with each other, but to take some time each day to unite with the Divinity-within – with that ‘sun’ that my sister talked about. And I know that, as we deliver this message today, there are serious physical ‘poundings’ of the Earth – there are storms …there are serious vibrational effects upon certain land masses. These are caused by disunity, and the astonishing thing you have to understand is that they are caused by you. And if the chimney falls off, it is caused by you. And if the trees fall down, it is caused by you. And if the Earth splits, it is caused by you. It is caused by your disharmony with the planet and your disharmony with the Deity that you are within.
The key to calming the Earth and the key to calming your current situations is unity. And there will be those who do not wish to unite with you, but observe them Deity-point to Deity-point. When you deal with them, when you have to connect with them in some way, don’t be afraid of the negativity. See only in your mind’s eye that ball, that ‘sun’, that Light that is within them. Unite with them – Divinity-point to Divinity-point – and see the difference in them. See the communication that happens. See the understanding that dawns. See the peace that settles.
And so… a final expansion of the concept of unity: you are one with each other. You are one with us. The soul groups I have described – and I only touched on a couple of examples – are one with us. We are all united. We are all the same thing. The soul groups on our level are united with soul groups on higher levels. The soul groups on higher levels are united with groups on the angelic levels. The groups on the angelic levels are united with the Divinity that envelops all, encompasses all, lightens all.
There is no escape. You should not be seeking escape. You should be seeking inclusion and unity. That is the key to your present predicament.
Think on what I have said. We do not come through [lightly] in such difficult times …it is difficult for us to penetrate that wall. I shall be exhausted after this. I will need the equivalent of the lie-down in the darkened room. Please, do not let us – and there are a million of us, more than a million of us concerned in this – please, do not let us waste our words. We do not come through as an entertainment. We do not come through as something that you look at and then move on from. We come through with serious words for serious times. Seriously, please, listen to us. If you do, then every soul in our soul group will be blissfully happy and there will be hope – not for our future (our future is assured; we have decided to move on) – there will be hope for your future, and hope and enlightenment and unity for what you most need at this time.
Michael (switching from a trance state to a clairvoyant link with Joseph): Just as we close, Joseph appears and is very close to me.
He is saying he has been waiting to come in at the end and he just wanted to remind readers/viewers of how the heart, which is the connection to the Divinity-point that has been discussed this morning, is so important in present times; and [to give] a reminder to think, not from the head but from the heart.
And the key to Divine connection and transmission and receipt of perspectives and information and guidance is the heart.
And, he says to those who are reading the books and to those who have followed what he has said as the spokesperson for the soul group over these many years, that he is delighted that other members of the group are able to speak and that he, in ideal conditions, would have much more to say – which reflects, he says: ‘What my brother has just been saying …that there is a wall that is at the moment thickening. It is like tar.’ He says we are polluted by it whenever we approach it. We have to come away from it and there has to be a cleansing – almost a ritual – undertaken to elevate our vibrations to where they were before we started the communication. He says there would have been other books. There would have been other volumes. But the world has taken such negative steps in recent years that it has been impossible to bring through the information that was intended to be brought through.
And so, he recommends that what he has said, if this appeals to you, speaks to you, be read. He says, to echo the words of his brother: ‘I did not bring through this information as an entertainment. I did not bring through this information because I have time on my hands. I brought through this information again – and I stress the word ‘again’ – because it is the way out of your current predicament. It alerts you to who you are and [to] your spiritual potential. Don’t let my words; my brother’s words; my sister’s words, be wasted or fall on deaf ears. Spread the words as far as and as wide as you can …and I will rest easier in the times when I turn my attention towards the Earth.