Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Part V: Expanding our view …of the here and now… and of what lies ahead for us
Is it surprising that humanity indulges in such seemingly insane, inhuman and self-seeking activities when, for the most part, its collective thinking is concentrated solely on the limited, blinkered perspective and perceived needs of the physical; of the material? To the detriment of our intended spiritual experience here, higher realties are seldom considered or pondered over – this tiny, constricting and constricted physical life, spiritually speaking, being regarded by a high percentage of humanity as all there is to reality and alarmingly as all there is to each of us, too.
We are, of course, so much more than we appear to be on the surface. And it is, therefore, surely only logical that each one of us should, at some point in our journey through the physical, ask and seek answers to the bigger questions in life – those that are avoided or ignored by so many, including such fundamental queries as What are we? Where do we come from? Is there anything more to reality than that which can be perceived by our physical senses?
The answers to such questions are often dismissed as being fanciful or beyond our grasp. Certainly, they are beyond the grasp of our physical senses …but not beyond the understanding of our Divine-linked hearts.
Today’s Soul Group Message once again seeks to bring us in alignment with the wisdom of our hearts via the wisdom of key speaker the Persian Gentleman, who this time is joined by a second highly-evolved spirit from the soul group – their combined intent being to once again open our hearts and our minds and to broaden our perspectives by taking us back to spiritual basics, by reminding us of our glorious true nature and origins and Divine potential, and by explaining how we can quickly and effectively put things right across our troubled Earth should we choose to do so.
As with each of these transcriptions, what follows began life as a filmed session. In this written version I have transposed the occasional word and removed small repetitions of phrases perfectly acceptable in speech but less so in a text presentation. These small ‘adjustments’ aside, what follows is a faithful presentation of what was said during the original video session.
* Moments of altered consciousness – those points at which I was taken in and out of a trance state by the communicators – are indicated in the text.
* Sincere thanks are due to Jules Gadiot for his meticulous work in transcribing the material.
Soul Group Messages – 5.
Spirit Communicators: ’The Persian Gentleman’; ‘The Gentleman in Gold’.
Michael (connecting with the soul group members initially via a clairvoyant link before moving into a trance state and allowing the communicating spirits to speak through him directly. The session begins with a description of the visitors from higher realms of reality): I have two people with me. There have been two people with me all morning. There is ‘PG’ – the Persian Gentleman – who is dressed in a purple robe this morning, and, next to him, there is a person I haven’t seen before …[dressed] in gold… a gentleman – I can’t really focus on him – but the gold in his robe scintillates, so it becomes more and it becomes less [vibrant] as I look at him. I think he is an observer of or a contributor to the energies that are needed this morning. And I know that PG is going to speak. I also know that there are two parts to what he wants to say, and he is aware of how we view YouTube and how we view our videos, and he is advising that viewers stay with us until the end because there is something important coming up about halfway through. There are two areas he wants to concentrate on. …I’d better hand over to you PG…
The Persian Gentleman:
…He is saying that he wants to take us somewhere… and I have been to this place only once in all my years of working as a medium. He took me there once to show me what it was like. He also says that where he is taking us is a ‘relative’ place. It is a vibrational bubble but it appears to the people who visit it as a ‘vast observatory’ – and it appears in this way because most of the spirits that go to this place, and to others like it, are progressing from their earthly life – and so they are [still] viewing things in earthly terms.
We find ourselves standing in an area that has curved walls …an ‘egg shape’, I suppose you would say… We are within that egg shape and the ‘egg’ is on its side. And around the walls there are windows – vast, curved, transparent areas. And this vibrational bubble touches the vibrational sphere of a planet. It is connecting to this planet in order to observe what is going on on the planet… and the planet is a new planet.
PG invites us to look, from this observatory, across the planet and to see rolling purple hills and to see oceans …but not oceans as we would see them on Earth – they are a white colour. And, as we view with PG, we can see crystals in the landmasses. We can see crystalline structures within the oceans that are different than those on the land masses – they are ‘mirror crystals’ that show the oceans around them and reflect the colour and the density, the atmosphere of the oceans.
He wants us to understand that this planet has not yet been visited by souls – by angelic beings. It has been prepared for angelic beings. It has been prepared for souls to move through, in physical form, its opportunities. And he wants us to understand that this planet (as all planets are) has been prepared by spiritual volition, has been prepared as an area of potential, an area that will present certain challenges and viewpoints, certain perspectives to those who travel through it in physical form. And it is pure; it is as close to angelic vibration as you can get. The vibration is coalesced into form but it is as close to Angelic Intent as you can get at this stage. And it has been brought into being by the angelic beings that wish to visit it in corporeal form. It has been brought into being after considerable consideration and discussion, so that it will offer specific opportunities to those who visit it, with the view of expanding the knowledge and understanding and potential of the rest of the angelic host.
(At this point we move into a trance communication. PG takes over completely, addressing us in the first person singular):
I am bringing you here today because this planet is as the Earth was before the Earth became polluted; before the misstep was taken; before those angelic beings visiting the Earth decided that there was – that they would invest – a different vibration into the Earth. I want to contrast the two. I want to contrast the Earth you have now …with all its problems and all its pettiness and all its power-seeking and all its disagreements and all its divisions… I want to contrast the Earth as it is now with this planet, with this cradle of potential. And I want to say to you: ‘This is where you started as corporeal beings – not this planet but the Earth. This is how it appeared – pure – pure in intent.’ And you had a pure intent in creating the Earth and wishing to travel across it …but that intent has become polluted.
The angelic beings that visit the planet I am showing you, the planet we are observing, will not experience the suffering and loss and tension and violence that you experience on Earth because they have not chosen a different way of creation. They are in harmony with the universal way of creation and destruction, and by ‘destruction’ I mean that, once they have examined certain potentials, they will neatly fold them away and those potentials will go back into the overall vibration without harming that overall creative vibration and without harming the planet and without harming the people that are travelling across that planet in corporeal form.
This potential, this scenario is available to you at any time.
You can reset your planet to what it was intended to be.
And you do that – not through division, not through suffering, not through control, not through coercion, not through manipulation – you do it by letting go of those things. You do it by remembering that you are angelic beings. You do it by remembering that you are each part of the other. And you let go of your obsession with materialism. You let go of your obsessive need to gather more around you on a daily basis. You let go of your need to control others, to impose your will on others. And, in letting go of those things, you reignite your angelic memories. You realise that you are each One, you realise that you are one with the planet and you remember your original purpose in visiting the Earth. And, at that point, you transform the Earth back to what it was …back to what it still is at heart.
And you may say: ‘Well, that sounds like fantasy. It sounds like a fairy story. It sounds like something unobtainable and so far away from what this Earth is that it cannot ever happen.’
It is the only way forward.
You have to fold away the vibrations from the Earth that don’t work. You have to fold away the vibrations from each other that you put out to each other that don’t work. You have to remember – ‘re-member’ – connect again with what you are and, in doing that, you solve everything.
You are looking for solutions at the moment. I have given you the solution – the only solution, because that is the solution that applies to every other sphere in this universe and in other universes.
I want to bring you back to the observatory now. Imagine that you can stand in a bubble of vibration that touches another bubble of vibration – the planet that we are talking about. Imagine that you can watch – enjoy – the evolution of that planet. Imagine you can have a hand in directing the direction that planet goes in, that you can infuse that planet with new potentials, in peace, that can be examined by those angelic beings moving through that planet in corporeal form. In other words, imagine that you can evolve to the point at which you can contribute to a reason for a sphere of influence – a planet – being there. And not just a planet …stars …galaxies …and, eventually, universes – plural.
That is your potential. That is your birthright, and I will move onto this in a moment, but that is your birthright as an angelic being. Isn’t that more tempting than the trinkets and the confusion that are around you at the moment? That is your place in the universe and in the scheme of things and it is part of your potential. And yet you only see this much [places Michael’s hands to both sides of his face – to act as blinkers]. And the observatory you are looking out from is only this much [moves Michael’s hands just a few inches outwards]. There is so much more ahead for you, but not until you take away that limited view, not until you start to view from here [points to Michael’s heart-centre], not until you reignite your angelic memories – reconnect with who you are.
And who you are is the second part of what I want to discuss today.
Who are you?
What are you?
Where did you start?
Where did you begin?
I am not talking about being slapped on the bottom and drawing in air and finding yourself in physical form. Where did you begin? If you are an angelic being – which you are – where did you begin?
You began with the ALL.
You began as an expression of the ALL – of That-Which-Is. You began with the ALL, or ‘God’ if you like, or whatever terminology you wish to use to describe – and it is impossible to describe – That-Which-Is. You began by That-Which-Is wanting to examine other aspects of That-Which-Is. And so, That-Which-Is expressed you, gave birth to you, if you like, exuded you from the Whole but still within the Whole as an individual viewpoint of That-Which-Is – tasked to go out into material worlds; tasked to go out into angelic realms; tasked to find out more about That-Which-Is and to find out more about the expression of That-Which-Is that you are and to bring that enhanced knowledge back to That-Which-Is, so that That-Which-Is becomes more, so that you become more, so that you unfold day upon day into a greater expression of yourself. You are part of That-Which-Is, you are That-Which-Is, you are an extension of That-Which-Is, you are an extension of God.
Difficult to imagine, isn’t it, when you see what is happening on the Earth?
Difficult to imagine that each person you see is part of That-Which-Is and has potential within them. Difficult to imagine, but nevertheless true! You are coming up to a holiday period. [The communication was originally brought through just prior to Christmas.] You are coming up to a period where there is food, drink, time off from work. How will you spend that holiday period? I would suggest to you that you spend part of that holiday period considering what you really are. Spend some time in silence and we will be there standing next to you to add our inspirations to your intuition.
Contemplate what I have said about That-Which-Is and that you are part of That-Which-Is. And also contemplate how you react to others from that viewpoint, from that knowledge. If you are part of That-Which-Is, can you harm another part of That-Which-Is? Can you seek to control or condemn another part of That-Which-Is? Or should you love all as the That-Which-Is that produced you, loves you? Because that Love is within you, waiting to be expressed again, waiting to be directed across the Earth – into the Earth and into the minds and hearts of those that do not yet remember that they are That-Which-Is. If you are looking for something to do in the next ‘year’ (as you measure things – the next period of time) what better thing to do, what more rewarding thing to do than to express the That-Which-Is that you are in every word that you speak to another person, in every thought that you have about another person, in your connection and relationship to every aspect of your planet? Because every aspect of your planet that has not been created by humanity is also part of That-Which-Is. When you touch a tree – you are touching part of That-Which-Is. When you walk down a lane – the lane is part of That-Which-Is and the skies above you are That-Which-Is.It is only in your mind that you have separated yourself from that truth, from That-Which-Is.
So, where did you begin? You began in a vast Heart of Love. You began as a need from universal consciousness, a need to express itself, a need to explore itself, a need to become more in Love. That is what you are. That is your birthright – your spiritual birthright in this holiday period. Isn’t that mind-blowing? I hope so! And by ‘mind-blowing’ I mean, doesn’t that take away the pettiness of the physical mind? And it is right that your mind should blow; it should go. Because the physical mind is the barrier to you remembering what you are and to expressing your potential. You came from a great Heart of Love and no matter how you feel towards others or yourself at this point, you are a great Heart of Love, you have a great Heart of Love within you, waiting to be expressed again.
We are more aware than you think of current challenges on Earth, but the end of those challenges is so simple …and so difficult. It is simple because all it requires of each of you is to express from that great Heart of Love; so difficult because you are not used to doing so. And you seek answers to all your challenges in the material aspects of your world …and the material aspects of your world are illusions.
I am going to hand over for a moment to my brother who has come to speak today – Michael was wrong in saying that he didn’t think he would get involved; he has been involved in donating energy so this link can take place, but he also wishes to speak.
The Gentleman in Gold:
It’s a long time since I have spoken, since I have physically spoken. I am using Michael’s vocal cords and it is [a] remembering for me because it has been a great deal of time since I was incarnated on the Earth.
And I just wish to speak to say that the gold Light that I have within my aura has been earned …and it has been earned by earnestly working whilst I was on Earth to raise the vibrations of the Earth and raise the vibrations of the souls living on the Earth whilst I was there. And it has been earned by unthinking, by unlearning as I graduated through the various spheres of vibration that lead out into angelic consciousness once again and beyond that. I had to unlearn when I first found myself in the spiritual spheres – the cleansing spheres. I had to unlearn. There was so much baggage I brought with me …so much I believed to be true …so much I thought was important. It took me a while to, as it were, ‘come off the clock’, to understand that I wasn’t limited by that dial that has so many souls on Earth running around and compartmentalising everything that they do, day upon day, year upon year, until it drains them of energy. It took me some time to realise that I could expand my consciousness when I wanted to and become still when I wanted to but I wasn’t under the dictates of day and night. It took me a long time to let go of certain resentments that I had, that really didn’t matter …and I was shown that they really didn’t matter, but I held them to me like ‘family’. I gathered them to myself and said: ‘No, I cannot let go of that. I cannot contemplate a time when I will not feel upset about something that somebody said or something that somebody did.’ And it was pointed out to me that all these things are insignificant. It is the positive moves I made that were important …the positive moves I made.
And so, gradually, I filtered out of my soul those things that held me back. And as I filtered out those things, I made room within myself, within my aura, to accept more Light. And it was astounding to see the colours that were within my being, to see the interplay of wonderful, colourful vibrations that were mine because I had earned them. And as I became less obsessed with the pettiness of my earthly lives, plural, I began to see the lights ahead. I began to see the adventure ahead, the glorious pastimes, the glorious occupations that lay ahead for me if I chose to expand into them …and expand into them I did! And all the time, more Light was added to what I am, to my expression of God. And there was an interplay of Light as I connected with other friends, brothers, sisters. There was an interplay of Light between them and we exchanged ideas and we dwelled on different potentials and we looked at different scenarios that we could enter into.
And we became more of what we are – more angelic in nature.
And this brief look at my passage through the cleansing spheres I have brought to you because the theme of today’s connection has been to expand your view of what lies ahead for you. So many cling on to life at all costs on Earth, thinking that that’s it – I have to cling on to this because this is all I am. You are not the flesh. The flesh is the ‘vehicle’. You are, as my brother said, part of That-Which-Is. And That-Which-Is wants you to experience in joy and to build on your experience every …’day’ is the wrong word… to build on your experiences as you move on through ever higher vibrations. What lies ahead for you is wondrous. Keep that in mind and you will avoid some of the traps I fell into. Don’t be resentful. Forgive. Forget. Love. And in doing so, you prepare yourself for that journey that begins when your journey across the Earth plane ends.
We talk to you in love and we say that we love you, not in a romantic sense but in the sense that you are part of us, you are us. Don’t be afraid to express love. Don’t be afraid to express love to each other and don’t be afraid to live in love – even if that makes you seem soft, or less than able to move through life.
If you move through life in love, you are one of the most powerful beings on the Earth. And moving through life in love, you will change the Earth back to what it was supposed to be.