Internationally acclaimed books and non-denominational spiritual insights and perspectives for anyone who has ever asked…
Crucial trance communications of huge significance to all souls in these pivotal times.

A New Perspective
Liberating and empowering spiritual perspectives and insights of vital importance to the individual and to all humanity.
Self Discovery
Taking away the fear and mystery of death – your afterlife journey revealed and explained in exacting detail.
Clear Guidance
No-nonsense, non-denominational guidance to nurture mind, body and spirit delivered in clear, contemporary language.
Life-changing spiritual wisdom presented as eight internationally-acclaimed books and regular ‘soul group’ video communications.
What Are The Joseph Communications?
The Joseph Communications is the term used to collectively describe the eight internationally-acclaimed spiritual books ‘authored’ by Joseph – a discarnate spirit who is the spokesperson for a highly-evolved ‘group soul’ from a higher vibration of reality – and delivered through the trance mediumship of Michael G. Reccia.
> What Makes Joseph’s Message Different?
The Joseph Communications, whilst stressing the urgent need for the establishment of that enlightened, spiritually-aware world, stresses the requirement for each of us to be contributors towards its creation, informing us that we are far from powerless to change the status quo, and making it clear that, if we wish things to be better here – for us individually, for our families and for all souls and lives on Earth – we must each actively work towards that end by recognising, understanding and drawing on our spiritual gifts.
Learn more about Joseph’s message. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive the latest news from The Joseph Communications.
> Where Did Joseph Come From?
The initial connection between the two (in spiritual reality Joseph had been working for many years behind the scenes towards a point at which he and Michael could connect through Michael’s physical consciousness) took place in 2005, with Joseph delivering a complete, word-perfect chapter for each of his books approximately once a month over the course of several years, a process that concluded with delivery of the final chapter of book eight – the Spaces Between – in the January of 2019.
Learn more about Joseph’s origins. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive the latest news from The Joseph Communications.
> What Can The Communications Do For Me?
Readers from around the world inform us that the ‘Communications experience’ is, for them, like ‘remembering something they already knew’. That’s exactly the purpose of Joseph’s addresses: to present us with an opportunity to rediscover what we are and where we began – to help us understand our spiritual origins; to take away our fear of death; to allow us to live life more fully here and empower us to begin to put things right in our world by engaging with our heart-minds and the restorative Light energies that are ours to access, use and share once we do so.
Learn more about the many benefits of Joseph’s message. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive the latest news from The Joseph Communications.
> A Few Words From Joseph
Here’s Joseph (abridged) from Revelation – Who You Are, Why You’re Here:
I have waited many years to find a suitable outlet for not just my thoughts… the thoughts of the many souls who inhabit the sphere I live in, put together for the purposes of wakening the ‘sleepers’.
I lived on Earth many times… I have been in the spirit realms for thousands of years.
Our group’s intention is to turn things on their heads and bring Light into the darkness.
To demand nothing. Dictate nothing.
Things cannot continue in your world as they are. You are still killing each other, strangling the planet, ignoring your spirituality – your Source. You are ‘dreamers’, tied into the dream to the extent that you have forgotten your heritage.
I went through lifetimes when I was not aware that I was a soul; in which I viewed the universe from the standpoint of individuality and believed it to be so; lifetimes when I thought I was at the whim of a cruel universe; when I looked in a mirror and believed what I saw was truly me.
Then, through experience and promptings, it occurred to me that I was more than this temple of flesh; that I was a spirit – eternal and more than the illusion I was witnessing.
I was taught that I could influence my environment – my immediate environment (my body) and then influence the world around me. I was shown that my view of the world contributed to how that world was; that I wasn’t at the whim of every storm and tempest; that there was a constant Light within me and all I had to do was spread that Light outwards.
I looked in the records of the Earth and discovered many things about its origins; was made aware of the origins of Creation, the reasons for the Earth being there and the nature of man and his soul…’
“I know without a doubt that the source of these communications is ‘Divine’ in every sense of the word. I am so grateful to Joseph for bringing this heart-warming message to us all.”
Lynette Young
Source of Wonder
“The books provide a constant source of wonder, hope, inspiration, comfort and learning – giving me the energy to tackle this exhausting feeling of walking through treacle.”
Janey Young
“Self-empowering, deeply spiritual books presenting us with wonderful practical information re. visualisations and meditations which will help transform the world.”
Margaret Wood
Hope and Clarity
“Joseph’s teachings resonate deep within my soul – there is hope where there was once despair and clarity where there was once confusion.”
Alan Wheatcroft
“In all my years of aspiring to spirituality, I have never experienced such mind-blowing truth.”
Sue Turner
“Joseph feels like a wise friend and I often dip into one of the books at random for encouragement and guidance when I am flagging.”
Miana Stratton
How Can I Help?
The Joseph Communications books, ebooks and audio books are produced and made available internationally by the Band of Light – a small team of unpaid volunteers.
If you feel you would like to help support this work by making a donation please use the button provided. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive the latest news from The Joseph Communications.