Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
XII, Part 1: The Persian Gentleman discusses ‘Light & Shade’
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance demonstration in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – 12 (part 1).
Spirit Communicator: ‘The Persian Gentleman’
Okay, so PG is coming closer to me and I know I always talk about what he is dressed in because he is such a colourful character (I hope he won’t mind me saying he is a ‘character’) and over the last couple of days I have seen him in a lilac colour, which I haven’t seen him in before, and it is a very spiritual, etheric colour.
And as he comes closer, he begins by saying that he wants to, once and for all, speak about Light and shade – not Light and darkness, but Light and shade; and the functionality of Light and shade. And he wants to begin with Light…
The Persian Gentleman:
Light is able to be shaped and moulded by spiritual thought, by creative heart-thought, and when you send Light out, it instantly begins to form into the intention that you encode that Light with. So, as a simple example, in my area of reality – in the vibration that I live within or I feel comfortable within at this moment – if I want to create something, I can say, for example, ‘vase’ …and the minute I say ‘vase’, there is an image in my heart and in my head of how I want that vase to be – the colour, the shape, the size – and Light begins to be attracted to me. Light – as a command, as a volition – begins to spread outwards from my heart-centre and that Light attracts, from the ether around me, molecules of similar intent. So, my intent is to create a vase and the Light that comes out from my heart instantly (it’s not that I have to think about it) begins to attract the building blocks of that vase from the molecules of spiritual Light around me.
And so, the Light as an intent is pushed out from my heart and the Light around that intent coalesces into the intent. So, the Light from my heart is surrounded by the Light around that intent to create a vase …and becomes a vase. It coalesces – the molecules become more dense; they shape themselves into exactly the vase that I have in mind and I see in front of me, as a very real object, the vase that I intend to create.
And so, I can look at it and I can say: ‘Do I like that colour? Do I like that style? Do I like that shape?’ And if I don’t, I then form in my mind (and this is not a complex affair; it is something that takes place instantly or fairly instantly) I shape in my mind the alterations to that vase, which alters the Light-frequency from my heart and the intent from my heart, which then in turn alters the ‘obeyance’, if you like – the connection to the Light that has formed the vase around the intent from my heart. And the intent from my heart, which has been altered, spreads out into the molecules of the vase and changes the appearance of the vase.
Light always carries a code with it but, more than that, Light becomes the intent of the sender of that Light. So, my intent was to create a vase and the Light from my heart becomes that intent. There is no separation: there is no Light and an intent. The Light and the intent have woven into one so that the vase is an imperative that spreads out from my heart. That is how we create on a spiritual level …by seeing what we want …imagining what we want …and sending that Light out from our hearts that then has a code with it of what we want to create …that attracts Light of a similar vibration to it …and that Light of a similar vibration coalesces into form. [Laughing] Simple!
If I feel that there is no room in my house for my vase any longer, I deconstruct it. And, I deconstruct it by saying: ‘I want the vase to disappear from my home …but also to disappear from the continuum …to disappear from my reality …to disappear from this level of vibration that I am in so that it doesn’t end up (as an analogy) on somebody else’s doorstep.’ They haven’t created the vase; I have created the vase. I created it. Therefore, I need to uncreate it so that I am not polluting the matrix of energy that I and other spirits exist in …so that, when they wish to create, they are not pulling in something that I have already created into their intent …so that the Light-molecules that they coalesce into their intent – into their vase, for example – are not polluted or influenced by molecules that have already been coalesced into a vase and still exist within the continuum so that they influence other parts of the continuum.
We live in ‘capsules of energy’, if you like, on my level and on elevated levels of consciousness and creation. We do not intrude into other spirits’ areas of creation …unless we are invited to …unless, as members of a soul group, we wish to create together and to coalesce our intents into something that is communal and something that has permanence for as long as we wish it to have permanence.
Now, all this creation with Light is a positive thing; it is a Divine thing; it is an exploration of what can be and what we are able to achieve and what we wish to achieve. And what we wish to achieve is something that we also encode Light with. So, we might create a vase – and I keep going back to the image of the vase because it is the simplest way to explain these things – we might create a vase, but within that intent to create a vase, there is alsoan intent to examine the possibilities and the potential of that vase.So, the Light that is attracted to that intent to create a vase is also attracted and similar to the intent to examine the potential of that vase.
So, for example, we can individually or as a community create a vase and then hold that vase in front of us and look at that vase and extrapolate – consider what the future of that vase will be, might be, could be. Do we add a handle to it? Would it look better in the hallway than in the living room? Is there another purpose to it other than it being a vase to perhaps hold flowers, or something like that? All these things are simplistic as I am trying to explain them to you, but I am attempting to explain that we also imbue our creations with future potential, and then examine that future potential beforewe completely coalesce those objects into ‘solidity’ for the time in which we wish them to be solid and of purpose.

If we decide that the potential of that vase is something that is not of use to us or of use to the vase, that is not something that enhances the experience of the individual and the soul group, then we can dismiss that vase in that we can deconstruct it. And, we deconstruct it by sending out an instruction, via the Light from our hearts, to say: ‘This is no longer needed, so we bless what we have created but we ask that it be reabsorbed into the matrix of energy around us …without any pollution …without any repercussions of us having created it …without any encroachment on the existence and the potential of other spirits living within the vibrational band that we exist in’. And, therefore, it is disassembled; it is brought back to its elements of Light-particles, and those Light-particles are free to be used unpolluted by other spirits to put forth other objects and to examine the potentials of those objects or concepts.
I have to finally, in talking about Light, explain that the vase that I created and the potential that we examined in looking at that vase as members of a soul group – those things are alive because there is no lack of life on our level of creation, on our level of existence. In fact, there is no lack of life on any level of existence, except (and we will come to this shortly) in the minds of those that do not acknowledge all of Creation as being sentient and alive.
So, our constructs, the objects that we create, are created with reverence; they are created carefully; they are blessed and they are acknowledged as being part of the ongoing gift of Divine Creation that flows through us and allows us to create. They are treated with respect; they are acknowledged as part of our existence and our environment; and they, when they are returned to the matrix of Light-particles around us, are thanked for having taken on a specific form for a specific time and are released to again become part of the overall sentience of Creation at the level that exists within the vibrational band that we live within at this particular time.
There are other vibrational bands. There are other creative uses for Light. But, for today, I just want to explain what happens on our level of Creation, in my particular ‘homestead’, in my particular ‘town’, if you will, although that is again an analogy. But then I want to bring that examination of Light – bearing in mind what I have just said – down to the level of the Earth and down to the way that you create every day of your lives. You create with Light just as we create with Light. You don’t realise for the most part that you are doing it, but you are doing it.
So, whenever you have a thought that is positive, that is spiritual, that exists on behalf of others, that wants to see harmony and decency and respect and love exist on your level – that thought protrudes from your heart-centre, first of all, as a wish and an intent …and your Light becomes the intent and draws towards itself a coalescing of that intent from the Light-particles around you and around those who are connecting to you at any time in order to communally send Light out into the world.
I note that there is often a query regarding the sending out of Light, as to whether that Light has any use (not purpose, but use) …as to whether it is effective on the Earth level sentience. Of course, it does because you operate in exactly the same way that we operate! Every time you imagine something, whatever it is, you begin to create that something in your world, in your experience. And so, if you imagine Light streaming out into the world, if you imagine that Light reaching souls and illuminating them …then that is the intent that you are giving the Light you send out into the world. And that Light becomes that intent and, therefore, cannot help but reach every soul on Earth, every life on Earth, every situation on Earth because that is your intent. Once you have, in the stillness in meditation, dedicated the Light; once you have an intent in mind for that Light, that Light cannot help but act upon that intent …cannot help but become that intent …cannot help but reach those souls …cannot help but touch those hearts …cannot help but raise the vibration of the Earth and every life living on it.
So, my explanation of how Light works, how it is a creative tool, was in order to lead you to this point and to say whenever you send out Light with an intent that the world becomes more spiritual, that the world reviews its negative situations and lets them go …that Light has that power, is imbued with that intent, becomes that intent, and does its work.
So, you’ll say: ‘Well, PG, that’s all very well but what about darkness? What about the dark thoughts of people? How do they function? And if the Light is so effective, why are so many souls still in darkness and making decisions that are based in darkness and based in control and coercion of others?’ And, I feel that at this point we can say: ‘Well, this is the end of the first half of this talk, and I will now move on to the second half.’ To be continued in Part 2.round you and across the world because of you.