Part One: The Die is Cast
I suppose you could call them ‘Red Pill moments’ (a reference to that famous scene from the Matrix, terminology from which has entered the English language in recent years)… those world-changing points in time when you are given the choice of either taking ‘the blue pill’ (allowing your life to continue on as it always has done) or ‘the red pill’ (allowing you to see through the illusion of Earthly ‘reality’ and change your perception forever).
My initial ‘red pill moment’, marking the beginning of a decades-long journey that would eventually and inevitably lead to a connection with the discarnate spirit communicator Joseph and the vast group of concerned souls he is the spokesperson for, happened when, as a young man in my mid-twenties, I found myself at the centre of an escalating and traumatic sequence of events that was stretching my nerves and my resilience to their limits, causing me to question the meaning of my life and to wonder whether my lot could or would ever improve.
Around ten years prior to this point my globe-trotting aunt and uncle had ‘unexpectedly’ turned up one day at my parents’ sweet shop (I knew in advance that they were coming – in one of my frequent psychic dreams I’d seen their impending visit the night before they appeared, unannounced, on our doorstep). Standing in the doorway as she was leaving, my aunt suddenly turned on her heels to face me, fixed me with a deep and intense stare and said, ‘If you ever need us, just turn up at our house. You don’t have to phone or give us prior warning. Just set off. Just turn up…’ She leaned closer: ‘Now… Do you understand, Michael?’
Somewhat bemused, I mumbled ‘Yes.’ I didn’t know my aunt and uncle very well at all at this stage, their world-travelling making my connections with them infrequent and brief, so this strange little exchange with a relative I didn’t feel particularly close to seemed very confusing to me. I’d never been invited to stay with them before. ’Michael… do you understand?’ she repeated forcefully. ‘Yes,’ I replied, not really grasping the purpose of this conversation but sensing I needed to very carefully commit this incident to memory. ’…Good.’ She smiled thinly and seemed relieved that she’d got her message across, though that powerful gaze, those eyes that seemed capable of peering into my very soul, still held my attention.

Fast forward ten years, to a point at which, not having seen my aunt and uncle more than a couple of times in the interim, I found myself in urgent need of somewhere to retreat to. Remembering that decade-old, weird little conversation with my aunt, I realised with relief that I actually had a ‘bolt-hole’ I could go to, and set off for their house, without prior announcement and during a thick snowstorm, my old, unreliable car somehow wheezing its way through forty-plus miles of blizzard towards the spot on the coast where they lived. It finally spluttered to a halt and half-buried itself in a deep snow drift as I turned into their street…. But by some miracle I’d arrived safely at my destination.
My relatives warmly welcomed me in and generously took special care of me for a week, and I subsequently returned every weekend for the next couple of months or so until I felt better equipped to move forwards and take up the challenges of my life with renewed vigour. During one particular visit, and over a cup of tea, my extremely psychic aunt suddenly and unexpectedly began to chat to me in a very matter-of-fact way regarding discarnate spirits; life after death; help from and communication with guiding influences; the power of white Light energy, God, her encounters with ‘the beyond’ and a great deal more.
I’d never understood or examined these things in any great depth before, although I’d always been fascinated by and felt strongly drawn to such subjects, and realised I was ‘different’ somehow and that I had access to a range of (as yet undisciplined) senses that seemed not to be the norm, having repeatedly experienced paranormal ‘happenings’, ‘seen things’, experienced pre-cognisance, had psychic dreams, sensed unusual ‘atmospheres’, etc, from a very early age. As my aunt spoke, however, I was – spiritually speaking – offered the ‘red pill’ for the very first time, in that each topic she brought up during that conversation was something I somehow knew I already knew, and therefore instantly accepted as truth. I felt as though I was reconnecting with long-buried memories; it was as if the mists were suddenly clearing and the true meaning of life was beginning to reveal itself.
… From that moment onwards I would experience a rapid succession of red pill moments … life as I had known it and taken for granted as ‘the way things are’ would rapidly be deconstructed, my perspective and approach to life would change forever, and that crucial future connection with Joseph would be assured.
…Continued in Part Two.