Key themes from the Communications books illustrated by examples from 40+ years of mediumship.
Christmas Special Part Two (of Three): All good children go to Heaven.
Or so they say –
But what is heaven? And does heaven actually exist?
Heaven is defined as follows according to popular belief: a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or of gods) and the angels, and of the good following death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.
So, according to this definition, the spirits who visit us, who communicate with us, must come from and be in heaven, mustn’t they?
Well, actually, no – they don’t, and no, they’re not.
‘Heaven’ is a moving target, and still quite a ways off following physical death on earth…
The spiritual ‘spheres’ – the non-corporeal dimensions – that surround and interpenetrate this one, are not heaven, but instead a series of refining vibrational fields through which souls journey in order to ‘cleanse’ themselves of the effects of the Fall (Joseph’s fourth book explains all) and finally move beyond them and out into Infinity as the angelic beings they really are, at which stage you could say they have found heaven.
So, if we’re not instantly going to heaven – where DO we go to upon leaving this world behind?
As discarnate spirits we are only able to sense and operate within the confines of the vibrational waveband – the energy frequency – we have built around and into ourselves as a result of our actions and reactions during our time spent on earth.
As an example, I can only dimly see spirits from the highest of those spheres.
I once encountered a spirit who was so far ‘above’ me in terms of vibration that I could only see him (or her) as an outline made up of brilliant pinpoints of light.
Another highly evolved spirit looked to my eyes like a slight disturbance of the surrounding atmosphere – like ripples on water superimposed over my normal vision. …A ‘transparent’ person…hardly there at all from my earthly point of view.
High-vibrational spirits such as these have to slow down their energy frequency – slow down their vibrations – to allow me to sense anything of their presence at all.
Why? Because their energies are so much more refined than mine are presently, locked as I am into a dense material body, that I can’t easily perceive them using my earthly or psychic senses.
We also have to consider that we create our own heavens and our own hells…
We are creative beings – what we imagine, believe and put energy into we construct and draw towards ourselves and, following our departure from this world, the strength of our beliefs and expectations determine what we perceive and consider to be reality around us.
Unfortunately, this ability to make our beliefs and expectations manifest can blind us to what is really going on around us and can trap us within temporary surroundings of our own making…
…Picture, if you will, a beautiful cathedral or church.
Consider its Inspiring architecture.
Observe its imposing, golden altar.
Marvel at its vaulted, gold-leafed ceiling.
This is a place for communing with God…
…And a place within which, it will surprise you to learn, one of my close relatives was, the last time I was allowed access to it, imprisoned.
My grandmother on my father’s side was a lovely, gentle, sweet Italian lady and the most devout and to-the-letter of Catholics. She attended mass every single day – often twice – hobbling the distance between her house and the church in pain and with difficulty in her later years, and spending much of the rest of her day with her rosary beads clutched in her hands, earnestly praying.
My father, who has absolutely no difficulty in reaching me from ‘beyond’, once appeared to tell me he was upset and saddened regarding his mum’s situation in the afterlife. She had created around herself an elaborate church following her death, and spent her whole time on her knees before the altar in that self-built illusion, head bowed and hands clasped together, praying to Jesus and to God.
He’d tried on numerous occasions to reason with her and coax her out of there but she wouldn’t listen and insisted that that was where she was supposed to be. With great sadness my dad had to give up. Only she can release herself from that illusion and move on, and she will only do that once she’s grown tired of being in it and begun to recognise the illusion for what it is. For all I know she may still be there – the single occupant and worshipper in an otherwise empty church that she has created, and that has absolutely nothing to do with heaven or with God.

I’ve come across many similar circumstances when connecting with the afterlife..,.
– Such as the scientist who had died from a heart attack while in a wood, with his physical body lying at his feet covered in autumn leaves. Denying to himself that he still existed, he had been brought to my attention so he could be helped out of the self-imposed prison he’d placed himself in via my guides telling me what to say to him.
Having become aware of my sudden appearance in his ‘private little world’ he proceeded to argue with me about existence, told me he didn’t believe in an afterlife or me and that I was a figment of his imagination, and wasn’t for moving on until the guide working with me brought his mother to see him, at which point he stopped in mid-conversation, his expression melted into a smile punctuated with tears of joy, and he left the illusion of his physical body behind and walked off into the Light with his mum
– Then there was the case of the young World War Two Spitfire pilot who had crashed his plane in the French countryside and become trapped in his cockpit, the plane’s joystick piercing his chest and pinning him to his seat. Actually, he’d died at the moment of impact but didn’t realise this and had been sitting, waiting – in our terms – from that day during WWII until the moment Joan and I were called on during the night to visit the scene of the crash in our astral bodies and help release him from his illusion. Spirits from higher spheres of consciousness had tried time and again to coax him out but he dismissed these as ‘ghosts’ and would have nothing to do with them. Someone still in a physical body – still with an earthly ‘vibrational signature’ – was therefore needed. We approached the plane and talked to the young man, urging him to come out of his Spitfire. Peering through the canopy I could see, stuck to the instrument panel, photographs of his mum and dad, which he kept glancing at. ‘Keep him talking,’ said the spirit who was advising us. He then momentarily left us, returning with a young man whose face suddenly changed, morphing into an older version of itself until it matched exactly the appearance of the boy’s father in the photograph. Recognising his father, for this is who the spirit was, the young man cried out ‘Dad!’ shot up out of his seat, abandoned his injured mage of himself, climbed out of the plane, hugged his father and together they walked off into the Light and disappeared from sight. The image of himself the young man had maintained for so long hung in the air in the cockpit of the plane for a few moments as a thin, empty shell, before crumbling into dust and nothingness..
– On another occasion we were once again called upon during the night to venture out in spirit form, arriving at a most peculiar destination. A perfectly preserved Lancaster bomber from World War II stood on a small island of earth that was floating in and surrounded by a thick mist. Its crew – three young men in flying gear – stood in front of the plane. We spoke with them and one of the three – the gunner, a young man with flaming red hair, was most indignant, saying to me, ‘It’s all right for you, you’ve had your life! I haven’t!’ We were eventually successful in persuading the plane’s crew that there was a greater reality beyond the one they had trapped themselves in and they walked off into the Light together. The young pilot with dark hair, who was far friendlier than the red-haired chap, turned back to me just before they disappeared and simply said ‘thank you’. The island and the bomber – the construct they had created and maintained, slowly faded away and we were drawn back into our physical bodies.…
Which brings us, having questioned heaven, to consider hell.
Hell is popularly defined as: a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.
Well, you could say the spirits I’ve mentioned above were each trapped in a hell – or hells – of their own creation.
But what of spirits who have been, during their lives on earth, and still are at core, violent, manipulative, perverted, self-seeking, manipulative, controlling … souls who have rejected all forms of inner and outer illumination? Wouldn’t hell for them be finding themselves, following physical death, in a light-starved place where everyone is exactly the same, in outlook and approach, as they are? As explained earlier, personal energy signatures are attractive – magnetic – dominant vibrations and beliefs harmonising with and attracting more of the same.
As a backdrop for such spirits there exists a sphere of consciousness popularly termed ‘the lower astral’. …Souls such as these have to go somewhere. They’ve ‘died’ – they’re non-corporeal, but their vibrations are so low that they cannot as yet enter any of the more enlightened spheres. They have to go to a place whose vibration is in synch with theirs. There’s a way out of this, however… all they need do is ask for help – reach for and acknowledge the Light. Guidance is then instantly at hand to help them raise their vibrations sufficiently to escape this hellscape of their own collective making.
In examining heaven and hell we’re led quite naturally to the concept of judgement – the belief, often drummed into us by religion, that God will take us to task for all the things we’ve done ‘wrong’ during our lives, and will punish us – often, it is suggested, eternally – for our transgressions.
– We’ll examine ‘judgement’ from a spiritual perspective in the concluding part of this Christmas/New Year special blog. I do hope you’ll join me for Part Three from January 4th.
( In closing, may I also take this opportunity to sincerely wish you and your family a liberating, inspired, spiritual, protected, happy and progressive New Year.)