Key themes from the Communications books illustrated by examples from 40+ years of mediumship.
Part Ten: Giving yourself and others the daily turbo-boost that changes everything
Many of us feel helpless when faced with illness and challenge, and immediately look to outside sources for a solution to our every problem.
Yet we can, with a little determination and a few minutes set aside each day, find solutions to even the most overwhelming of circumstances and make vital contributions to our own wellbeing and also to the state of the world.
Irrespective of religious belief or scientific assumption, at ‘core’ each of us is a creative spiritual being, and, as such, our thoughts have great power in that they become the reality we experience within and around ourselves. You construct your personal world around you second by second as a result of your conscious and subconscious viewpoints, beliefs and choices. You also contribute daily to global trends, influencing the quantum ‘field’ of humanity: the matrix of connected thought-consciousness that manifests as ‘reality’.
Don’t like what is happening to you right now? Then, for the aforementioned few minutes, choose to turn off the chaos around you – those seductive phones and computers – and to become still, quiet, contemplative, redirecting your consciousness from outside of yourself to within yourself for the duration of your ‘turbo-boost’. Once spiritually centred, and having moved your point of awareness down from your head to your heart (Need an explanation of what this means and help in doing it? See Module Three: A Change of Mind – Making the Heart Connection) you then have the power to ‘change your story’ through visualising the life you want during this imaginative, peaceful time and infusing your aims and intentions with waves – with visions – of ‘white Light’.
Similarly, if you don’t like what’s happening globally, you can quietly go ‘within’ and work on ‘changing the global story’ by visualising the peaceful, harmonious life we all crave at heart in your imagination, then infusing that ‘dream’ with the same white Lightand sending it out into the world.
Put simply, if you believe you are at the mercy of a painful, unhappy personal existence you help to consolidate and maintain exactly that state of affairs via the creative, constructive power of your thoughts.
If you believe this to be a violent, corrupt world, and that others have power over you and you have none, you reinforce and maintain that vision via the constructive nature of those beliefs, sent out subconsciously to help perpetuate the negative ‘status quo’ of society.
If you truly desire an end to personal and global pain, hardship and conflict, you – you personally – have to use the Divine gift you have been given to help build a happier, more harmonious individual and societal ‘reality’ via your daily ‘turbo-boosts’ of Light visualisation.
This doesn’t mean you ignore the problems and challenges you, humanity and the planet face. It does mean approaching those problems and challenges in a different way – understanding that they are malleable, able to be changed… and that you have the means to change them by focussing on the Light-within from the viewpoint of what you really are: a spiritual being capable of drawing on, generating, streaming out and directing immense power for good.

Why not decide to have a good – no…a great – day today? Why not decide to dismiss what is so blatantly wrong here and ignore the biased narratives we are being fed and urged to invest in, and instead work to create a happy, wonderful day for yourself and for everyone else …today, tomorrow and every tomorrow from now on?
The moment you investigate and acknowledge your spiritual abilities the road to positive personal, societal and global transformation becomes far less bumpy – and things can and will get better for you and for the world as a result of your power-packed daily turbo-boosts.
Here’s a short excerpt from the second Communications book Illumination, offering just a tiny peek into Joseph’s take on this personal and world-changing subject (which he examines and explains in far greater detail throughout the book):
‘It is no use complaining about society if you are not prepared to switch that switch. It is no use saying, ‘What can I do?’ It is no use saying, ‘I’m not bothered, I’m safe.’ You have to take the view that it is up to you.
‘Each person has to take the view that it is up to them to change things.
I’f you believe it is up to the politicians – you are wrong. If you believe it is up to the clergyman – you are wrong. If you believe it is up to local councils, or police, or solicitors, or judges – you are wrong!
‘Society changes with you.
‘There is an expression: the buck stops here. The buck stops with you! You, as part of God, are all powerful. You, as part of God, are all goodness. You, as part of God, are all Love. It is only because you have forgotten these things that you do not manifest them in your society at the moment.’
…In conclusion, you should by all means seek out the advice, help and wisdom of others on your journey through life, but it is immensely beneficial to also realise that a potent power with which you can heal yourself; a potent power with which you can heal the current trends of society, not only exists but is a constant built into you, able to be accessed and activated at any time.
Bringing that power to bear in your own life and the lives of others is simply a matter of having the discipline to turbo-boost each of your days by spending a few precious minutes each and every day connecting with the real you and bringing out – sharing – the Light you discover within your heart for the benefit of yourself, your loved ones, and every life on Earth.
Powerful words! And based on my experience of the last few years, I can say they are true — beautifully so.