Key themes from the Communications books illustrated by examples from 40+ years of mediumship.
Christmas Special Part One (of Three): The one-way street.
No tinsel or crackers, I’m afraid. In fact, in the words ahead I’ve chosen an unusual subject for the Christmas and New Year period, but one that is ideal for us to consider and investigate during this ‘quiet’ period when many of us are divorced for a few days from the usual distracting material demands of life. It’s also one that, although you might not think so, gives us many reasons to celebrate.
So, allow me to begin by drawing your attention to the most unlikely – and seemingly unfestive – of Christmas symbols: The one-way street road-sign.
From a spiritual perspective the one-way street sign is the most important and highly significant road-sign on Earth – you’ll find a version of it present in most countries, quietly sitting by the roadside, symbolically reminding every soul on the planet of something many of them prefer not to consider at all…
Because for each of us, whether we’re a new-born baby, whether we’re very young or very old or somewhere in-between, and regardless of our status or perceived success or lack of it in life, we are all heading in one direction.
Life is a one-way street.
From the first second of it there’s no turning back – just a constant movement forwards towards the inevitable.
In conversation with a friend some years ago, and while discussing the high-handed attitude someone had taken with him simply because the other person had a great deal of money and, therefore, regarded themselves as more important and better than him, we reflected on the fact that we were all heading in the same direction.
‘Yes,’ he said, looking at the floor. ‘We all end up in a box.’
Take heart, Dear Reader – it’s only the trappings, the overcoat, the shell that ends up in a box… the true ‘us’ ends up somewhere very different…
But where, exactly?
Well, let’s reach beyond that ‘veil’.
Let’s draw back that final curtain.
And together, in this blog and the two that follow, let’s take a few trips to that distant shore. And please don’t worry – your visa has been stamped, your papers are in perfect order and your safe return is guaranteed. …Unless, of course, Higher Authority knows something we don’t. 😀
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s begin this journey by travelling back in time some sixty-two years and visiting a very strange five-year-old boy with a most unusual take on life –
– Because this peculiar five-year-old is obsessed with death.
I remember lying in my bed on numerous occasions, surrounded by the comfort and security of my beloved books, and becoming more and more depressed as I attempted to make sense of the certainty that everybody has to die.
‘What’s the point of doing anything, achieving anything?’ I’d wonder.
‘Why bother, when at the end of it all there’s only death?’
Then the obsession would fade for a while. I’d comfort myself by telling myself that death was a long, long way away for five-year-old me, and I’d gradually push the concept out of my mind.
But it would always come back.
Little did I consciously realise then that death was destined to become a major defining theme throughout my life, and that it would take centre stage once again and quite soon, relatively speaking, when I found myself ‘sitting’ to develop as a medium.
– Because it was during that time that I began with regularity to see ‘dead people’ – although to call them dead is an insult and a misnomer – they’re actually far more alive, more vital, more energised than we are.
So, as I developed my mediumistic gifts (and as detailed in other blogs here) I began to regularly connect with guiding spirits – members of a dedicated ‘soul group’ team – wonderful, illuminated beings who would, from that time onwards, accompany and advise me on what would prove to be an extraordinary journey. That advice was carefully calculated to steer me along a set of tracks that would inevitably lead to Joseph and to what would become known as ‘the mission’.
And, in order to prove to me that I wasn’t going mad or imagining things, these spirits set up my mediumistic development so that my spiritual teacher Joan was able to see and hear the same guides I was seeing at the same time I was seeing and hearing them. What a great way to give me confidence!

After sitting for mediumistic development with Joan every Sunday afternoon for seven full years, I then began to tune in psychically on behalf of the increasing numbers of people who visited me for spiritual readings, and also on behalf of congregations at spiritualist churches, where I would take services. And whenever I stood up in a church or sat one-to-one with someone, people from ‘the other side’ would instantly be there, eager to talk and to reconnect with their loved ones.
And I persevered with and actively sought to evolve the work because – thank God – those people in the congregations and the private sitters knew exactly who I was talking to. The information I was being given by discarnate communicators was in no way vague. On the contrary, it was very specific. Let’s look at just a handful of examples:
* A man communicating with me from ‘beyond’ during a church service told me he had been in the military during the second world war, that he had been killed during that war, but that he had not been killed in combat. ‘I was blown to pieces’, he said, grinning. ‘I was all over the place.’ A man in the congregation that I had been directed to and who acknowledged the information told me after the service that he had served in the military with the communicator. He knew him. A group of these then young men had been fooling around in the barracks with live hand grenades and one had gone off and killed the spirit communicator who had been talking to me.
* On another occasion a lady who was my PA at a time when I worked for an advertising agency was sitting at her desk opposite me one day when suddenly a spirit – a young man – appeared next to me, told me he had been killed in a motorbike accident, that he’d once dated her and that he was worried about her because she had recently become quite depressed. He was so insistent I tell her he was around that I eventually did so and she immediately went pale – she knew exactly who was talking to her, and confirmed everything he’d said.
* At a funeral service I was conducting, the spirit whose body was being committed – the son of a friend – a boy who had committed suicide by jumping from a bridge – appeared next to me as I officiated and held up a bunch of keys. I could also see that one side of his face was bruised and disfigured. I relayed this information to his father, who said the bunch of keys was the only thing he had on him when he was found, and that his face had been damaged on one side because of the fall from the bridge (He’d lose the damage as soon as he realised he could think it away, BTW).
On numerous occasions I have also been given a sudden and unexpected ‘heads-up’ whenever a family member or a close friend is about to depart this world…
* One morning, for example, while standing at the top of the stairs, I psychically saw my departed cousin walk in through the front door, wheeling his trademark green Raleigh bicycle by his side. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, propped the bike up in the hallway, looked up at me with a piercing expression, then disappeared. Less than an hour later the phone rang. His father, my uncle, had passed away.
* On another occasion I rushed into the front room of my house because I had heard one of the tall, heavy bookcases topple over and fall to the ground with a tremendous crash. Absolutely nothing was out of place in the room. Nothing had fallen over. The next day I was given the news that my uncle in Italy had died.
* I was sitting watching television with my mother one evening when we both heard the loud and crystal-clear tinkle of an invisible bell in mid-air. We looked at each other in surprise. Early the next morning a friend rang to tell me that a mutual close friend had been killed in a car accident… as it turned out, at the precise time we’d heard the bell.
I was also privileged, as my one-way street of life led me inexorably to a connection with Joseph and his soul group, and in preparation for the Communications that were to come, to be taken on occasion to visit the group soul in its own environment to witness its habitat and workings. I won’t cover those visits here as I’ve detailed those delightful journeys in other blogs on this site.
So… where are these personalities and visions coming from? Why do I on certain occasions see great shining spirits and on others connect with people who appear to be living very much as we do now? What exactly is life after death like? What’s it like ‘over there’ and what, exactly, lies ahead for each of us?
Fortunately, Joseph would be the one to answer all these questions and many more in very great detail in his acclaimed third book Your Life After Death.
It’s a vast subject, of course – and one much too huge to shoehorn into the confines of a trio of blogs – but we do have enough room to touch on some of the key themes from Joseph’s book – aspects of the afterlife you may not have considered before, but which will hopefully expand your view of the next stages of our existence.
So please join me for Part Two (posted December 28th), and Part Three (posted January 4th), in which we’ll shake up and turn around some of the popular and major misconceptions regarding the afterlife.
In the meantime, I wish you all a peaceful, protected, restorative and Happy Christmas.
Thank you for sharing, Michael, I have been blessed to be invited to the other side on many of occasions, Death is not the end but our reward for a life well lived, and a purpose fulfilled. I look forward to Part 2 and Part 3.
Have a very blessed and happy holiday.