Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number IX, Part 2: An evolved spirit asks us to consider the ‘two doors’ we can approach when seeking spiritually, also offering refreshing observations regarding life and death.
It’s the midway point in this trance communication and, having delivered a detailed address concerning spirit guides and guidance (please refer to Soul Group Messages Nine, Part One for a full transcription), the Persian Gentleman now steps to one side in order to allow a new speaker from the soul group to take ‘centre stage’ and present us with additional higher vibrational insights.
This further sharing of soul-group wisdom begins with a stressing of the urgent need for more Light-workers currently, at the same time cautioning all who seek to connect with non-corporeal vibrations to thoroughly examine and fully understand their motives before attempting to do so. The address then concludes with a number of empowering and redefining statements regarding health, old age and how to approach physical death in the correct way.
Having waited for some years (as we measure time) for a ‘communication window’, via myself, to become available – the principal intent of connections with the soul group always having been to first make the Joseph Communications information available to humanity – this new orator from the group, to whom we allocated the name ‘The Spirited Native American’ (our terminology – not his actual title, of course) could barely conceal his absolute delight and enthusiasm at being able to finally share his wisdom with us.
As with each of these transcriptions, this soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance demonstration. In the transcript that follows, a handful of very minor ‘adjustments’ involving the transposition of the occasional word and the taking out of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version have been made.
Soul Group Messages – 9 (part 2).
Spirit Communicator: ‘The Spirited Native American’
Persian Gentleman:
As always, I think I have overrun things but I am going to hand over to another member of the soul group who Michael saw a few days ago.
And if PG will let me just sort of semi come back to my senses for a moment …I should explain that Jane and myself were talking about age and about the illusion of age a few days ago. And, as we were doing so, suddenly vividly in front of me, I could see a Native American gentleman who, I believe now (because he is talking to me) was in his eighties at the time, as he showed me a picture of himself and he looked wonderful. He had a red shirt on, he was tanned and he had the wrinkles of age but the vitality of his spirit shone out from him. And I knew that he was one of the people from the soul group who wanted to speak at some point to a greater audience. And so, I can see him at one side and I’ve got to allow him to overshadow me …to take me over again.
The Spirited Native American:
I am delighted! I am delighted to be able to speak to you. I am absolutely delighted! I have witnessed the Communications take place over many years and I’ve wished to bring through joy and to talk specifically about seeking connections. You’ve just been given an address about guidance. I want to talk about opening the door to greater consciousness and I’d like to show you two doorways: there is a right doorway and there is a wrong doorway, and both of them lead to spiritual consciousness …but not necessarily positive spiritual consciousness.
One of them leads to a greater connection with us.
One of them leads to a greater connection with chaos.
It is as though throughout your life two doorways are just ahead of you. One is a doorway that will allow you to commune, not only with your higher self but with us – with those of us that have moved on from the Earth level of consciousness. The other doorway is a doorway that many people, seeking to commune with spirits, choose to open instead of the first doorway …and that second doorway leads to chaos …and that second doorway leads to interference …and that second doorway leads to an influx of further negativity into the world.
If you want to open the doorway to spiritual communication – it is open to you! It is not locked. What I mean by that is that at the moment you are having to receive information through a medium – through someone who has become attuned to speaking and communicating with higher dimensions. You have the ability to speak to, to listen to, and to communicate with higher dimensions – to open that first doorway …but you have to decide what your motive is.
You see, many people on Earth who wish to speak to spirits, who wish to connect to higher vibrations, wish it to be something that aggrandises their personality …that makes them special …that makes them someone that people can say: ‘Look what they can do! Aren’t they important!’ …That makes them feel powerful. Also, with many souls wishing to expand spiritually (and I use that term reservedly) they also wish spiritual power. They know that objects can be moved, for example. They know that objects on Earth can be influenced …that doors can be slammed …that windows can be rattled …that chairs can be moved, and they see that as being an important factor of the spirituality they are seeking. Well, that spirituality is negative. Occasionally it is used to prove that there is someone there during a higher communication but for the most part it is negative. It does not enhance the individual trying to access spiritual information.
And what is more, it connects that individual with spirits who have not yet learned sufficiently to elevate themselves above the level of the earthly consciousness and find great delight in connecting with the negative aspects of the earthly Field. And so, seeking such activity and wishing only to go through that door to attract that type of activity, results in an aura of chaos and negativity around the person seeking those things; and also connects them, very often, with spirits who will say one thing but mean something else entirely and with spirits who can connect, via the person that is ‘inviting them in’, as it were, to audiences and individuals seeking their help.
And so, it is extremely important, if you wish to make a connection to spiritual influences – to higher vibrations – that you have to seek vibrations that are higher, not lower. You have to go through the first door. You push that door open through earnest seeking …through, again, becoming quiet …and through examining, in those times of peace and stillness, why you wish to make the spiritual connection. Why do you want to make it? Why do you want to talk to us?
Why do you want to talk to us?
If you want to know more about your own path and understand what you are – you are going through the door on the left. If you want to serve others and bring through enlightened information and the Light that can change things on Earth – you are going through the door on the left. If it is your intention to stream spiritual information without feeding your ego, without positioning a spotlight in front of yourself and saying, ‘Look at me!’ – then you are going through the door on the left. And your request, your seeking of that spirituality,your need to be of service will not be ignored. I repeat that …will not be ignored! You will become of service in some way.
If you wish your connection to the spiritual (and by ‘spiritual’ I mean outside of the earthly, material vibration) to be a source of income …if you wish your connection to be something that puts you on a platform so that others can admire you …if you wish your connection to be so that you can perform parlour tricks and amaze people because something has moved a couple of centimetres during the time when you’ve connected to the vibration, then you are heading through the other door – the door that is marked ‘chaos’.
I hope I am making this clear. What I want to boil this down to is that each of you is a spirit. Each of you, therefore, has automatic access to spiritual communication – just as you have automatic access to someone that you acknowledge walking down the street. You can communicate with them – you are of the same type of vibration and you can communicate. You can communicate easily with the realms beyond the Earth, should you wish to on behalf of others …should you wish to help this world regain its spiritual consciousness.
And there was a time when each of you automatically had access to each of us, when we could commune very easily, when that ‘door’ swung both ways very easily and conversations could be had, information could be exchanged and questions could be answered so that spiritual progress could be made on Earth. That’s not the case now. But in earnest seeking, in earnest examining of self and saying: ‘Yes, I wish to do this’ (and in the understanding that, if you do wish to do this, you are sacrificing a lot of the so-called ‘pleasures’ of earthly life) then you have access to that door. And you can simply by saying: ‘What do I do next, Father?’ …step onto that path that will lead you into spiritual service.
If you are looking at spiritual communication as an entertainment, as an add-on to your earthly life that will give you respect, as something that you would love to have access to because you can wield power – you can do ‘spooky things’ – then you are heading for the other door. And I would ask you, if you are considering the other door at the moment, to head away from it. We will firmly lock it from the other side but it can be pushed open. It shouldn’t be pushed open – there is enough chaos around the Earth at the moment and we would advise you to step away from it.
Your world needs spiritual workers. It needs those who are prepared to put aside their earthly life and become a connection for others, become a source of Light for others.But you have to be aware, before you take that step, that there are two paths you can take – two ‘doorways’ that you can stand in front of. Please, stand in front of the left one if you are prepared to work for others. If you are not, then enjoy your life and leave the higher vibrations and the discarnate vibrations alone – they are not for you!
Now, before I go, Michael mentioned the fact that I came through when he and Jane were talking about age. I came through at that point because we had a very different approach to age than you do at the moment. We looked at our lives as a journey; we knew when that journey was ending but, until it ended, it was still the same journey. Our ‘vehicle’ might appear different; it might gain lines but the wrinkles were regarded as a badge of honour – as a sign that this person has gained wisdom and we saw, in each wrinkle and each line, a challenge faced and overcome. We saw an aspect of a particular life ticked off correctly. We looked at our elders as people that commanded great respect and we went to our elders when we were uncertain as to what to do next because we knew that they would have the answer.
We did not, as we aged physically, acknowledge that age at all. We did not acknowledge illness – except as an accumulation of negative vibrations that could be dispersed by the elders of the tribe.And so, if someone was ill – if someone, for example, had a cancer, we would view that cancer as an ‘invader’, as an ‘unwelcome passenger’ as we travelled through life. The elders would sit around the person with cancer, would place their hands on the person and would elevate the vibration of the person above the vibration of the cancer so that the cancer had to loosen its hold and fall away, which it often did within days – sometimes within hours – because we knew that the person could not suffer from that cancer unless their vibration was at such a low ebb that they could let in a similar vibration from the cancerous growth. So, we would raise their vibration and, in raising their vibration, sometimes you could physically see the illnesses fall away.
With age we did not fear death because regularly we communed (as I’ve been talking about communion today) with the elders that existed in the higher vibrations. They would come close to us at times when we prepared sacred days and specific times when we would divest ourselves of the earthy vibration – of our cares and worries – and would connect to higher vibrations to seek wisdom. So, we each knew from the time when we could understand this as earthly individuals that we were not going to die …we were simply going to go through another doorway. And, because we knew and had that connection with higher vibrations, we became aware on average about five years before we were going to pass over that we were going to make the transition and we prepared.
We prepared and, because we knew of that fairly imminent departure, we could put our affairs in order. We would pass on some of the things that we had to our family and friends. We would make peace with our family and friends. If we had had altercations with anyone or if there were some grudges that were still being held on to (no matter how minor) we would ask whether we could visit those associates – those friends that we had perhaps got out of step with. We would ask their forgiveness …we would put our arms around them …and we would make sure that the harmonious vibration between us was restored before we stepped out of this earthly life.
It was as though we had a body clock that, closer to the time, gave us an exact time when we would step out of materiality. Some of us would choose to go surrounded by family and friends, but some of us (as in my case) considered that this was a very private and sacred moment and would go out into the fields or out into the forest and would simply sometimes stand one moment and then in the next moment be back in the spiritual realm with our body having fallen away like the leaves in the surrounding forest …or we would sit under a tree or in the middle of a field and sometimes, as our companion during those dying moments (‘dying’, of course, only for the earthly body) we would be joined by a buffalo or a deer or a hawk or an eagle that would see our safe passage through into the Light.
The reason I share all this is because, when I look at the Earth now, I see that old age has become something that is a ‘monster’ that is ahead of you. It is something that you worship in a perverse way: ‘I am getting old. I am becoming frail. I can’t do this. I can’t do that. I am at a certain age – therefore this is not available to me. I can’t operate on this level. I can no longer function on that level.’ And I see a vibration that should sustain you until the very moment that you pass over being weakened …being weakened by drugs …being weakened by perceptions that you are old, that you are useless, that you can no longer function.
No! You are meant to function perfectly until you move on.
So, please, consider that. I don’t come through to criticise. I come through to say: ‘Look, age is an illusion but age is also a series of medals you can wear proudly on your chest …I’ve done this …I’ve done this …I’ve done this …I am still here …I have moved on …I have grown …I am more than I was.’
And it is only because the world tells you that you have less energy that you believe it …and have less energy. It is only because the world tells you that you are ill that you believe it …and become ill. It is only because the world tells you that you need to be dependent on certain substances and certain objects as you grow older that you invest in those objects and those substances …and you weaken yourself.
Don’t weaken yourself!
Whether you are one year old or one hundred years old – you are full of Divine-energy and you can use that Divine-energy right until the end. And by ‘end’ I mean a step through that third door into a new existence – not an end, not oblivion, not the shutters coming down, not running out of energy – simply a movement from this world into a better world …into the next world.
Julian Paul Lysek says
lovely brought a tears to my eyes thankyou very much i will be going through the door that helps this planet and tho souls get back to how it should be god bless
Patricia Sutherland says
A lovely interesting read that I wish for everyone to enjoy