Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number XI, Part 2: An Examination of ‘Life’ by Soul Group communicator ‘Luna’
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance communication in 2022 and was the second half of an address given by this new personality. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and the removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – XI (part 2).
Spirit Communicator: ‘Luna’
I am still with the speaker that talked about the Law of Attraction last time – a spirit, who calls himself ‘Luna’ and brings through an image of the moon to identify himself, is speaking to me so I have to dip into Luna’s consciousness and he into mine again because he says…
…In this second part of my address, I wish to talk about life. There’s an amazing word… LIFE. I wish to talk about the fact that souls on Earth distinguish between ‘life’ and ‘not life’ [laughing] and what I mean by that is: if I take you through your house in your mind now, what do you consider to be alive and what do you consider to be not alive? Now, you might say: ‘Well, I have a dog; I have a cat; I have a bird in a cage – and those things are alive. And, if I think more closely about it, there may be spiders in the corners or a fly trapped in the window and those things are alive. And, of course, I am alive and when my partner comes home this evening, he or she will be alive and my children are alive and those are the things in my house and, of course, there are plants on the windowsill – those things are alive, too. That’s the entire list in my home.’
No, it isn’t!
It isn’t – from the moment you come through the front door and close the front door, you are surrounded by life.
Here is a statement that Joseph has written about and which I wish to reiterate: there is no lack of life because all manifestations of matter originate from Divine-source. There is no lack of life. Everything around you that assails your physical senses is alive.
Am I seriously saying that your front door is alive?
Yes, I am.
Am I seriously saying that your kitchen is alive …and your bath is alive …and your bed is alive …and your light fittings are alive?
Yes, I am because there is no lack of life – there is nothing but life!
Everything in your home is constructed from living molecules – a living energy. Were it not so, they could not exist and the living energy that forms them holds them in a pattern until they are disbanded and reformed as something else. Coursing through everything that you see on a physical level, there is Divine-energy and that Divine-energy is life. And, I am not just suggesting that there is a shell of each object within which there is a life form …I am saying that the shell itself is also alive. There is no lack of life – that is the important first point I want to make in this part of the address. And when you go outside your house, the road is alive, the street lamps are alive. Of course, everyone else you meet is alive, but all the objects that you come across, all the appliances that you use are alive. Are they aware that they are alive? They are aware within the awareness of the Divine, to a lesser or greater degree depending on how they have been formed at this particular time – dependent on what their function is.
But here is the next vitally important part: if you acknowledge the life-force within them and if you acknowledge them as an equal in that they are constructed from the same energetic material that you are, you increase their sentience. You increase their sentience by reinforcing it, by donating part of your creative energy to them and they will respond to you. So, everything in your house – and this will sound very strange – can be acknowledged and can be communicated with. [Laughing] Am I saying, ‘Good morning, kettle,’ and ‘Hello bathtub,’ and ‘How are you, quilts?’ Yes! …Yes, in that you build into your psyche that approach to the things in your house, into your daily workings with the things around you.
Why should you do this?
Because then they become an extension of your perception of life; they become included within your perception of life and they reinforce your perspective on life. So, your house will not be somewhere just to eat and to sleep …it will be somewhere that agrees with your philosophy of life …it will be somewhere where you feel safe because you are safe …it will be somewhere where you can contemplate greater spiritual concepts because those spiritual concepts that you wish to examine are around you and are energised and give you more ability to examine them via the objects that are around you. And, your house becomes a living thing to you mentally and at heart you realise that you are at the heart of a living organism rather than just sitting in the midst of bricks and mortar for the sake of keeping a roof over your head.
If you live this way, if you bless and acknowledge and are grateful for the things in your care, then your house is a welcoming house. Perhaps you are in a house at present that you don’t feel comfortable with. It’s not, you think, the right place for you – the feel of it is wrong. If you communicate with it, then you extend your personality and dominant vibrations into it …and it becomes a friendly house …it becomes a loving house …it becomes a protective house …it becomes your ‘castle’ …it becomes your ‘fortress’ …it becomes a place wherein you can repair yourself, heal yourself, contemplate the greater mysteries and receive answers, meditate safely and keep the outside world out! But don’t forget that the outside world and everything in it is also alive and so you will find that, having communicated with your house, you will see other objects in the same way. So you will, if you are perhaps nervous of travelling somewhere, in advance acknowledge that the vehicles that you will travel in are alive and thank them for keeping you safe …thank them for getting you to your destination without any problems …thank the journey for being a safe one …thank the road that you are travelling on …thank the city that you are visiting …thank the building that you are going to stay in.

I am suggesting that you become used to communicating with all aspects of your life – both within you but also seemingly outside of yourself – and I am suggesting that you can place yourself in charge of the response you receive from all situations.
This links into what I said previously about the Law of Attraction. So, you attract to yourself that which you believe to be true and, if you believe that everything around you is benevolent and everything is working in harmony with you, then you are constantly attracting to yourself more harmony, more benevolence and a higher vibration of energy that will elevate your spiritual senses and allow you to be an ‘elevator’ in terms of what you give out to the other souls and all life around you.
Everything is alive.
Let’s take that one step further: how do you view your thoughts? Do you view your thoughts as computer programs? Do you view your thoughts as unfeeling things that present to you certain equations that you then act upon?
They are much more than that – your thoughts are also alive.
Your thoughts are alive so whatever you think has a degree of sentience. If you acknowledge that your thoughts are alive, you will find yourself becoming more careful regarding the thoughts that you put out into the atmosphere. Because, if a thought of anger, for example, is alive – and you realise that it will not ‘die’, as it were, the moment that you have thought it and moved on to the next thought – you will work harder to imbue those thoughts with a more peaceful vibration. Every time you find yourself becoming angry, you will think: ‘Hold on a minute! I am contributing that anger to the world; I am contributing that anger to mass consciousness. Therefore, I must work harder to tone down my anger and to eventually rid myself of anger and replace that anger with benevolent thoughts – thoughts of love and forgiving thoughts that I can then send on their way into the world to work within the Field of humanity to change the Field of humanity.’
Your thoughts, once you realise that they are alive, become more potent.
Imagine that you are a meditator and you are contributing Light with the object of creating world peace, with the object of transforming the world positively and restoring harmony and decency and spiritual values to your globe. Knowing that your thoughts are alive, you can imbue them with more Light. You can say to your concepts of the world that you are sending out: ‘This is what we need. I need you to work within the Field of human consciousness. I need you to share your vibration, your perception of harmony, of peace, of love, of kinship, of connection. I need you to share those things, once I have sent you out into the world.’ So, you are actively sending out ‘helpers’. You are sending out thoughts that are potent and powerful at the moment you think them but, once you realise that they are alive and you imbue them with a particular charge, you are sending out thoughts that continue to work.
When you have turned aside from your meditation and come back to an earthly consciousness for a time and make yourself a cup of tea – whilst you are making yourself a cup of tea, your thoughts are out there working with the original intent that you had during your time of meditation on behalf of all humanity and transforming the Field. My goodness, you are powerful! My goodness, you are powerful but that power lies in realising the nature of your thoughts and the nature of so-called ‘reality’.
All reality is part of a living, breathing, alive matrix of energy that emanates from the Divine.
And you, as part of the Divine, have the right and ability to colour that matrix of energy as you see fit – to colour your own matrix of energy, the aura that is around you and within you and to colour the matrix of energy that surrounds that aura, being the world that you see around you. Thoughts are alive and thoughts are potent and, going back to my previous talk, thoughts are attractive.
So, if you send out those willing ‘workers’ that you have imbued with a high vibration, they will attract more ‘workers’ – more thoughts from other people – and you build within the Field this increasing power for change. Conversely, if you send out thoughts of anger or upset or unrest, those thoughts are ‘workers’ too – in that they attract similar vibrations and you add to the negative side of the equation here.
Knowing this – this having been explained to you – I sincerely and humbly request that you choose your thoughts very carefully in future, that when meditating you imbue those good thoughts (that great vision of a better future) with Love – that you acknowledge those thoughts as being alive and see them being sent out into the world to work, for as long as that energy is available to them, to change things here.
And, also begin to look around, please – again, I humbly request – and see the effects of you acknowledging the objects around you as being alive. See what happens when you talk to them. See how you feel in your house. See how responsive the objects around you become when you acknowledge them as being alive. Include them as being part of you because they are part of you. Do you not choose certain colours for your home, certain objects for your home because they express you? Well, they express you far more than you think they do. So, include those objects in your experience and [laughing] if people catch you talking to objects, explain why you are talking to objects. And if they think that you are insane, all well and good because at least you will have given them something to consider and think about, as they begin their journey into realisationthat everything is one Field ultimately, that everything is alive and that everything is malleable – including yourself.
So, I leave you with the image that I am so fond of – of the moon, and I thank you for the opportunity to have been able to speak. I am known to Joseph and I am one of the many souls who, at the time when it was decided that Joseph should be the spokesperson, was eager (and still am) to add weight to Joseph’s viewpoints and Joseph’s reveals. And so, if I am allowed to and if circumstances allow me to, I would love to speak to you again.
And I leave you with the silver vibration – a vibration of energy that cleanses and, following watching this segment, if you will sit just for five minutes (that’s all I ask of you) I will be delighted to surround you with that silver vibration to lift from you some of the heavier vibrations that are around in society and across the world at the moment and you should feel better. It will be my pleasure to do this but, as with changing your view, it will take a little effort from you. It will take some of your time – it will take those five minutes. So, hopefully, I will join you immediately after this.
May the Divine emanate ever more strongly within you, around you and across the world because of you.