Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
XIV, Part 1: Joseph Returns in Astonishing New Trance Footage
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance demonstration in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some very minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – XIV (part 1).
Spirit Communicator: Joseph
We have Joseph who hasn’t spoken for a while, although members of his soul group have. So, I can see him standing by the side of me, and it is like greeting an old friend because it is a while since we did the last book, isn’t it? But here he is again and he wants to begin by saying that we are all ‘old friends’ …every soul on Earth is an ‘old friend’ to him, and that he has come back today for a very specific reason, which will be revealed later on. He says for this part of the address, he wants to talk about origins and he wants to talk about the origin of the Earth…
Not many of you will think about the Earth during your daily lives …you come and go …you go to work …you are in your gardens …or you are in your houses but do you ever stop to consider the physical Earth, first of all, that you are existing as a physical being on a sphere of rock that is rotating around another sphere that is distant from other spheres and yet never leaves its orbit? If you think of these things, you are given a different perspective of life: you are given a sense of mystery, a sense of awe, if you consider how small, how seemingly insignificant your physical presence is compared to the physical presence of the Earth.
Whilst I have you in that mode of sensing the majesty of the Earth, I want to increase the mystery by telling you that the Earth is not what it seems. The Earth is not actually a ball of rock at all. The Earth is a sphere of angelic intention. The Earth, on higher vibrational levels, does not appear as it does on your level of seeing and sensing. Isn’t it true that there are certain animals that can see more than you can and certain animals that can sense more than you can, smell more than you can, hear more than you can?
As a spirit, all your senses are heightened and, at a certain point in your evolution, you can revisit the Earth – not in physical form but revisit the Earth to see what a splendid, wonderful concept the planet is. The Earth that exists at core is completely different from the Earth that you see and sense around you …the Earth at core is an energy-field of creative intent, an energy-field of invitation.
An invitation to whom?
An invitation to angels to visit the Earth (or originally visited the Earth) in physical form in order to experience certain vibrations, certain frequencies of energy that would create around them circumstances that they could move through, appreciate, learn from and become more as a result of having passed through them.
The Earth was and is an angelic creation, in that a number of angelic beings separated partially in intent from the angelic host with the intent of creating something somewhere – ‘an adventure playground’, if you like, that had never been created anywhere else in the universe that offered unique opportunities of potential, of growth to those angels who voluntarily decided to travel through its vibrations …and thus the Earth was created.
The Earth is a consolidation of volition. The Earth is a world within the greater world of Infinity. It is an encapsulated vibration that if the angels, who travel through it, successfully learn from the opportunities it offers them – they bring back to the angelic host, and to the greater reality, an evolution.

The universe, the spiritual spheres, God – Divinity Itself (Himself / Herself) – is evolving. And it is the nature of Divinity to explore concepts, to explore potential, to become more. At angelic level, facets of Divinity (angels) do exactly the same thing. It is their nature to do exactly the same thing – to become more, to explore potential, to grow, to evolve, to become more divine so that they become more divine and [smiling] the Divine becomes more divine! And so, every planet that you see is a consolidation of angelic volition. Every planet has a unique signature. Every planet has a unique lesson to teach those willing to visit it. In the case of the Earth, however, even at angelic level the Earth has at present become discoloured.
If you were to view the Earth through a pair of ‘spiritual eyes’ from the high vibrational level, you would see that the amount of Light that the planet gives off as it radiates the energy it is supposed to radiate, has been dimmed. You would see a cloudiness to the perimeter of the ball of energy that the Earth actually is.
If you travel down the scale of vibrations to the earthly level – but again view the Earth through spiritual eyes – you would see, not the blue-green sphere that you see from space on a physical level, but a knitting together of density of vibration; you would see a blackening of vibration; you would see something that is so dense that nothing can escape it, nothing can permeate it. It simply is this dark, condensed (I have to say) almost cinder. And that coalescing into this cinder is again because of angelic intent …but it is because of the angelic intent of the souls living on the Earth.
And you can say: ‘Well, Joseph, how can that be an angelic intent to turn a beautiful, luminous, intelligent, sentient, loving sphere into a dark cinder? How can that be angelic intent?’ It has happened because angelic intent on Earth is intent on exploring only the physical …is intent on celebrating only the negative …is intent on shutting off any suggestions of a different way of life from outside of the sphere of the Earth, from the rest of the angelic host, who attempt day and night (I don’t want to say ‘desperately’ but ‘extremely intently’) intensively to try to permeate the consciousness of the ‘angels’ on Earth (because each of you is, in reality, an angelic being but you too are coalesced and condensed), and attempt to get an infusion of a higher vibration into the minds and the hearts (hearts more than minds) of the souls on Earth to remind them of their original purpose and intent and of the Earth’s original purpose and intent.
The angelic host cannot influence beyond suggestion, beyond energies that are presented to the souls on Earth, cannot influence the outcome of the Earth and the outcome of the souls (the angels) living on the Earth at present. They can only suggest. They can only surround the planet and surround every soul on the planet with a higher vibration of energy that, if infused into a soul, will remind that soul of its original purpose, its original nature and the original intent of the Earth and its purpose in visiting the Earth.
Because the vibrations are so dense, the angelic intentions (and I invite you to explore the World Meditation Alliance and its purpose) are the only means, or certainly the strongest focus, for getting through the rightness of vibration to the wrongness of vibration on Earth so that the wrongness of vibration on Earth can stop in its tracks, consider what it is doing and change back to the rightness of vibration.
So condensed is the situation on Earth in terms of low vibration at the moment that we have to use human souls who have remembered who they are, as a means of getting through the angelic intentions, the angelic vibrations, the angelic love that exists for the Earth and its peoples, so that that Light can spread from within outwards to the extremities of the Earth and convert it back to what it is and what it was intended to be.
There is a word for such a promotion of a facility and that word is ‘plug’ …and [smiling] I make no apologies for plugging the World Meditation Alliance. I make no apologies for strongly urging you to join together, in as many numbers as you can, to channel through the helpful, the loving, the divine vibrations that are having such a hard time in infusing the Earth and souls on Earth at the moment.
If you care about the Earth, if you care about each other, if you care about restoring the purpose of the Earth and restoring your memory as a commune of angels – then I ask you to consider joining with us …because we join during each meditation session …the angelic host joins during each meditation session …the intent of the Divine flows through the angelic host, through us, through the channellers in the session …and you are, if you join, as legion.
I have come back today to remind you at soul-level of what the Earth is, to remind you at soul-level of what youare and to ask that you give, as the angel that you are, a little of your time each week to restore things here. It is the only way in for us. Yes, we send the vibrations of love from the soul groups and from the angelic host towards the Earth and towards each of you, but the core intent of the Earth and the souls living on it needs to change, and that change has to come from within. We have advised you in all the books that you can undertake a core change by connecting to your heart, by going within. It is the same principle. It has to change from within, and at the moment the strongest means we have of changing things from within is via the channelling of the angelic intentions through the filter of human souls to other human souls and to the Earth.
If this doesn’t happen, then we are faced with a time when we have the equivalent of a trapped field of intention (i.e. the Earth) and we have a trapped number of souls who will be in stasis (i.e. the souls who continually return to the Earth) and the whole process of attempting to re-establish Light and spiritual energy here on Earth, and in the souls and hearts of men and women on Earth, will have to begin again.
And, as I said to Michael and to the group in one of my books, I have done this before. I have given this information before. I don’t know whether I am prepared to give it again. I can move on into Infinity if I so wish and so can the soul group if they so wish. In that case, some other members of soul groups and some other members of the angelic host will then, at some stage in the future, attempt to do what we are attempting to do now, today, at present, every week! I don’t want that to have to happen …and I want to go on into Infinity …and I want you to move on from the Earth-plane into the cleansing spheres …and I want you to travel through the cleansing spheres to that point where you too can move on into Infinity and, once again, take up your life as the angelic being that you truly are.
So, my section of this address is a plug, which I have already given and a plea,which I have already given. This is time for mobilisation of the spirit for action, for giving a little of your time in order to liberate your brothers and sisters and free the planet of the casing of dense matter that souls on Earth have put across it. This should be at this time your only concern. I am not saying that you cannot continue with your lives and the joy that you have in families and friendships and exploring the Earth. But your core concern should be to restore the Earth to what it was and to restore yourselves to what you really are.
And it is such a simple thing to do and it takes so little of your time. Investigate what we are doing [reference to the World Meditation Alliance], what the soul group is doing and what the angelic host is doing. Educate yourself in what is happening and what needs to happen in order to liberate the Earth and the souls living on it.
[To be continued in Parts 2 and 3]
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