Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
XIII, Part 2: ‘Heart-Mind Living’ – Concluding The Big Indian’s Moving, Enlightening, Heart-Warming Address
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance demonstration in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and removal of repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – XIII (part 2).
Spirit Communicator: ‘The Big Indian’.
The Big Indian:
The infusion of energy daily from the heart-mind initially spreads out a little way into the physical. So, along with the changing perspective you will gain by accessing the heart-mind, initially you’ll find that some of the ailments you have been suffering from – be they physical, be they mental – will begin to change for the better because of that infusion of Light. That Light is a healing power; that Light is a restorative power.
So initially, if you are used to preserving self; if you are used to operating from the head-mind from a position of: ‘I need to be safe!’ ‘I need to be protected!’ ‘It’s all about keeping me in a good place!’ …you’ll find that, if you visit the heart-mind, then you will be in a better place because many of the things that you see as a threat physically and mentally will begin to ebb, will begin to change, will begin to be replaced by health, by energy, by vitality.
As you repeatedly visit the heart-mind, you will infuse more of the sphere of energy that is the expression of you on a spiritual level at a certain point, you will infuse more of that sphere so that your approach to life changes. You will find that preservation of self is not as important as honouring true self and true self cares for all things because true self is linked to and is a part of all things. So, the second stage of connecting to the heart-mind regularly is that your view of self will change. As your view of self changes, many of the things that you were fearful about will fall away; and you’ll find a strength in expressing and living spiritual values.
And as you continue to visit the heart-centre daily, you will expand that energy from the core right to the outermost edge of your sphere of expression as a spiritual being. So, the ‘skin of the sphere’, as it were, will not be darkened and influenced by what is outside of you – by the society and the conditions outside of you – but the reverse will happen. Your extremity of being will influence, will brighten, will lighten, will bring Light into the experience of all those other spheres of Light (darkened Light at this time) that are expressions of all the other souls that live on this planet.
So, you will have gone from a viewpoint of protection …to an enhanced viewpoint where you are healing yourself …to an enhanced viewpoint where your thoughts are completely different – free, uplifting and liberating …to a viewpoint where you are infusing every aspect of your being with Light from your core and transmitting that Light out into the lives of others so that they can investigate. They will have enough energy from within to begin that journey you have taken and they will become enlightened too.
This period on Earth is an opportunity. It may not look like an opportunity – in fact, it is of concern to us because it can be an ‘opportunity’ that can go both ways.
Let me put it in frank terms and I am being totally honest here: it is either an opportunity, by the way that you act and react at the moment, to end civilisation …or it is an opportunity to be reborn into spiritual consciousness …to rediscover the bliss of being here operating from a spiritual level …to rediscover the bliss of interaction with others that is not based on power-seeking and on controlling, coercing and manipulating others; but is based on love of your experience, sharing that experience with others and love of their experience because it enriches yours.
Your connection with the planet will re-establish itself in a spiritual way so that you, not only appreciate the natural world around you – you experience it. You reach out with your vibration and you interact with it and experience it; and it, again, enhances your voyage through life in an earthly body. You experience ultimate harmony. And at that point, if enough of you do that, then your original purpose for being here – for travelling through this sphere of slightly heavier vibration – will re-establish itself. You came here originally to learn and to take back your experience to billions, trillions of souls. That is why you came here to become more – to become more individually and to help others become more collectively.
Now, doesn’t the pettiness of your current obsessions seem such a trivial and small thing compared to the landscape I hope (and I can only do this in words) I have opened up to you …the limitless possibilities that you can experience here and now if you will only make the change?

During my last life on Earth, I was tortured; I was imprisoned; I witnessed the death of family members at the hands of others. But, as a result of many incarnations prior to that one, my heart never lost its connection with my core-energy and so I prayed for my captors. I prayed for those who had killed my family members. I was able to link with family members that had passed to a higher vibration to commune with them. And I was able to do during my life what I am suggesting that each of you do now under far easier circumstances – which was to express my core as Light along the ‘skin of the sphere of my influence’ to touch the lives of others …those who tortured me …those who imprisoned me …those who hated me simply because I was an obstacle in their way and they wanted land, power and money. And, not that I was seeking any reward, but there came a moment (and I have been on this side for some time now) when certain of those souls passed over, that they came to me and they said: ‘I am sorry. I got it so wrong and I now seek the path of the heart to re-establish my spiritual core as who I am.’ And they would be in tears and would be shaking; and I would put my arms around them and would give them more Light and more love.
That is what is needed now …more Light …more love …more heart.
Those of you who are familiar with the Communications books will know that until recently I was ‘second-in-command’ (there was a far higher spirit than me who was directing operations totally) of a construct that was called ‘the Boat’, which still exists but I am not on it. It is a thought-construct that appears as a large ocean liner and ferries people across, once they have died to the Earth plane, to a higher vibrational start to their ‘new life’, as it were. And I still visit the Boat. It is still very much something that has been a part of me, although I vowed a few years ago, in your terms, to be more involved with the Joseph Communications and to be more involved with the coming ‘storm’ which I knew about but didn’t commune to the Band of Light fully because we wanted to get through the information that we did get through before things became darker. But I still visit the Boat.
Imagine the Boat at the moment that is filled with people who should have been healthier than they were when they passed …with people from all countries that minutes earlier were fighting each other and find themselves still wounded because the wounds haven’t healed yet (they heal as we move into a higher vibration). Imagine what it is like for them to find themselves sat side by side, knowing that they have passed, knowing (because their spiritual faculties are beginning to come back to them) that the conflict was futile …that the motives were material and selfish …that they have been used and that they are sat, brother to brother, sister to sister, and once again recognising that fact. If only they could have recognised that on Earth!
If only they had had the strength to recognise that on Earth and to join together to banish the darkness, to chase away the darkness, to say: ‘No! This is who we are. We are the Divine. This is what we do. We love each other. This is how we react to the Earth. It is a place that it is our privilege to be in, to journey through and we love it and we love all forms of life. We love, honour and venerate all expressions of life.’
There is an expression (and I am dipping into Michael’s love of film here) when there is a scene in a film where something overwhelming is in front of the protagonists, and they look at each other and say: ‘We are going to need a bigger X’ (whatever that X is – a gun or whatever it is). I look at the Boat and I turn to my colleagues and I say: ‘We are going to need a bigger Boat!’ And that is not a humorous thing to say; that is a sad thing to have to say – to ferry across so many scarred and broken spirits that could have had a very different life.
I hope that you will investigate what I have suggested today. The true power in your life belongs to you, not to anyone else. The true power in your life belongs to your heart not to your head. The true power in your life is Divine – never let anyone take you away in concept, in belief, from the Divine. The Divine is part of you. The Divine exists. Do not blot out the Divine …or the sphere of energy that you are expressing will become even darker. It is a vital link. It is ‘life’s blood’ to your experience. Embrace it! Rejoice in it! Investigate it! Become an expert at dealing from the heart-mind. It will change your life. It will change your perspective. It will change the lives of those that you link to and, ultimately, it will change lives across the world for the better.
I end by giving you a weigh scale. Now, this is the weigh scale at the moment [holding right hand down, left hand up]. This [right hand] is the weight of head-mind thinking and it is almost at the bottom. On the other side of the scale [left hand] there is a single Light and that single Light, which seems so small and yet so brilliant, is the same Light that is within each of you. If you increase that Light by your connection to it …by your living from it …the impressions it gives to you …what it suggests to you and how you live your life – if you increase it ever so slightly, this half of the scale that seems so heavy at the moment begins to shift ever so slightly [slowly moving right hand up]. If you increase it by visiting it daily, by suggesting to others that they do so, by guiding yourself and others from the heart – then not only does this side [left hand moving down] become the heavier side but the darkness that was on this side [right hand] is completely gone.
You are seeking solutions to your current problems.
I have given you the solution. It is the only solution.
What have you got to lose?