A new series examining aspects of spiritual life you may not have considered before.
Part Five: ‘Uninvited passengers’ – and what to do about them
(Author’s note: the following was originally intended to be a one-part article, but in the writing of it it quickly became apparent that there was far too much information to shoehorn into the confines of a single piece. This, therefore, is the first part of a two-part [or will that prove to be a three-part?] article, as I owe it to you to do the subject justice and provide you with sufficient insights and techniques for your protection and wellbeing. I do hope you’ll join me next time, as the second instalment will offer practical advice on breaking links with the ‘uninvited passengers’ of the title.)
It’s a funny old physical world… Funny in that most souls, whilst here, are almost completely locked into their physicality, into that confined and limiting partial expression of what they truly are, relying totally on their five physical senses to interpret and navigate the seemingly immutable ‘reality’ they find themselves immersed in. Human beings, for the most part, choose to be either completely unaware of or, worse still, arrogantly dismissive of any suggestion that there just might be other dimensions permeating this one and (usually) existing outside the reach of their physical senses – dimensions which are nevertheless capable of impacting on them in many ways, whether they happen to believe in their existence or not.
Many of the influencers working to reach us and forge a connection with us from those vibrations are beneficial and positive, a shining example of this being the information and guidance offered by Joseph and his enlightened soul group as they endeavour, in love, to provide us with a way out of our current challenges and to reintroduce a spiritual perspective to our world. …However, just as there are positive and negative approaches to life on Earth, there are also darker aspects of non-corporeal reality that spiritual seekers need to be aware of and forearmed against, allowing them to recognise and swiftly deal with these should they attempt to impact their lives in less than helpful ways.
The current chaotic state of our world notwithstanding, indications that those unseen but highly seductive negative dimensions exist (and that we subconsciously recognise them) regularly filter down to us via the imaginings of authors and scriptwriters as ‘fictional’ themes – as staple ‘fantasy’ fare in our literature, our films and our television series, where depictions of the afterlife, of visitations by discarnate spirts, of haunted houses and disturbed locations, of magical powers, of the ‘possession’ of minds and personalities, of ‘monsters’, etc, can be safely viewed from the comfort of our armchairs through gaps in our fingers as we cover our eyes in horror whilst simultaneously seeking a thrill, an adrenalin rush, a temporary scare from our entertainment. After all, we’re only watching/reading a story …a fantasy… right? It’s frightening, yes. It’s disturbing, certainly, but it’s only fiction… a far cry from being based in fact and nothing whatsoever to do with the workings of the ‘real world’.
From a spiritual perspective, however, many of those negative imaginings have some basis in fact. No man or woman is an island. As spirit beings, as facets of the Whole, we are connected to each other, a part of each other, and as such each day of our lives each of us contributes to the collective field of human consciousness that shapes and determines our experience here by feeding back to us – surrounding us with – a construct of ‘reality’ that is based on our dominant beliefs, passions and wants. We each help to create, maintain and reinforce the global status quo via our daily vibrational donations as individuals to that field. Equally important, each of us is also the recipient of impressions from that field, and from the dimensions that lie beyond it too, and as a result we sometimes unknowingly take on board unseen discarnate ‘passengers’ as we travel through life… passengers with an agenda …passengers actively seeking to affect our mood, our energies and our ability to ‘think straight’ in specific ways.
For example, not every human spirit automatically moves on to higher spheres of consciousness following its physical death. ‘Devils’ in this life don’t suddenly become ‘Angels’ in the next, and until they can be persuaded to leave the earthly experience behind, certain individuals stubbornly refuse to do so, preferring to stay close to the pleasures and vices they have enjoyed whilst in a physical body, and discovering to their delight that they can re-experience some of those pleasures by pressing themselves against the auric fields of those who are still in physicality and who indulge in similar pursuits. Not only that, but in connecting in this manner with such incarnated souls psychically, they realise that they can persuade them to indulge in those pursuits more frequently and more intensely than they might have done before they connected with and began to influence them.
As a hypothetical case, a heavy drinker might suddenly find themselves more-than-usually drawn to their favourite tipple as a result of the promptings of an unseen ‘passenger’, and of the seductive voice of that individual repeatedly whispering in their ear: ‘Go on! You know you want to! Have another drink. You’ll feel so much better! Go on. Have that drink now…’ They don’t ‘hear’ that disembodied voice consciously, of course, but on a subconscious level it is a loud, clear and compulsive contributor to their actions and desires.

In hitching an unseen ride, such ‘passengers’ create a vicious circle of desire and action. In this hypothetical case the need for a drink becomes an increasingly dominant vibration in the person’s aura as a result of an unseen passenger’s promptings, which in turn strengthens the spirit’s ability to influence that person and to therefore relive a portion of their earthly experience – in this case the sensual ‘high’ of imbibing, by proxy, excessive amounts of alcohol (or drugs, cigarettes, and so on).
In contrast, one may exhibit no self-destructive habits or tendencies whatsoever but perhaps be subject to occasional bouts of depression, worry and stress, and because all vibrations automatically seek out, lock onto and draw towards themselves energies of a similar frequency, such energy-draining states of mind can attract discarnate spirits who are of a similar outlook, who have not yet moved on, and who become linked to us because of our current state of being, intensifying our negative experiences and making it more difficult for us to rise above them.
On a non-human level of interference and unseen influence, and returning to the theme of ‘it’s a funny old world’ for a moment, as souls seeking to gain greater spiritual awareness and understanding we need to be aware that our thoughts not only feed and influence the field of human consciousness but are also highly creative energies, with repeating negative thoughts and themes sometimes leading to the creation of semi-sentient ‘thought forms’ around us, which can affect and steer us just as effectively as the discarnate human-spirit passengers mentioned in the above paragraphs. The intent of these ‘creatures’ is to survive – and they do this by keeping you in a depleted state so that they can draw Light-energy from you at a level that they can absorb and which sustains them. And you, personally, needn’t be the creator of these pesky little tykes – if you are experiencing periods of low energy and outlook they can simply ‘hop on board’ from the ether or from some other person and seek to maintain you in that depleted state of being.
Here’s Joseph on the subject of these ‘feeders;’ as he terms them (taken from a fuller examination of the subject in his book The Spaces Between). I’ll conclude his explanation in the next part of this article, and I’ll also explore this subject further and suggest ways in which you can keep yourself protected, on track spiritually and physically, elevated vibrationally, and can avoid and/or detach ‘uninvited passengers’.
“Their need is to amplify your fear …to amplify your depression …to amplify your illness …to amplify your negativity …to amplify your anger. Now, in order to do those things and to exist as what they are, they have to have a source of energy.
“…And the source of energy, dear Reader, is you and people like you.
“For example, if you are depressed for any length of time – be it through illness or circumstance – then you emit a vibration at a lower level of energy than you usually do as the angelic being that you are in full health. That vibration connects to and attracts feeders of equal vibration. They are attracted to your Light – not as a fully conscious thing but as a magnetic attraction with a limited degree of sentience. They then attach themselves to you. If you were to look at these beings, you would see that some of them have tentacles and some of them appear to be like a slug that is grey or black in colour with a changing form. But, they are able to latch on to a similar vibration (as all things do) so that they can take energy from that similar vibration.
“So, as an example, in your depression you will attract one or more of these feeders – these partially-formed, semi-sentient, embryonic angelic children – and they will subsequently attach themselves to the point on your etheric body from which they can draw the most energy. That is usually one of the major chakra points, and you will find that they attach themselves to your forehead, to your throat, to your heart-centre or to your solar plexus. They will magnetically connect to you and, from that point onwards in order to draw the low level of energy that they need to maintain themselves and to survive, it is in their interest to keep you (in this example) depressed and to keep you at that lower level of energy, because a higher level of energy is of no use to them. A higher level of energy does not feed them; it is ‘above them’, so to speak, and they cannot connect to it. So, they keep you focussed on that lower level of energy so that you can maintain them and they can maintain you in that state of mind, and on and on goes the cycle.
“What to do about these beings? What to do about feeders? How do you, first of all, detect that they are there, and how do you detach yourself from them and they from you?”
Joseph’s advice on how to do this will head-up the next instalment of this article. Please join me for his concluding insights on the subject of ‘feeders’ and for further information from me regarding ‘uninvited passengers’ and what you can do about them.
Thankyou for writing this article it was so relevant to my day today with such synchronised timing, I had a dear friend crying and asking for help with this very problem and I went to her home for the intention of getting this energy to leave, by asking to be a channel of that divine love. Reading this has helped me understand what happened with clarity as all I could do at the time was trust and be guided.
I have been participating in the weekly healing meditation groups on a Tuesday and Friday and they have perhaps been an integral part of my teachings.
Many thanks and may all love surround you for all that you do.
Sarah x