Trance-Scriptions: The collected Soul Group Messages sessions
Number X, Part 2: Why there are ‘Libraries’ in the Higher Dimensions
Following on from the Chinese Gentleman’s fascinating explanation of why it is so difficult for spirits from the higher dimensions to make and maintain a connection with people on the Earth plane, this new communicator from the soul group gives us an insight into the reason for the existence of ‘libraries’ in the cleansing spheres.
This soul group communication was originally filmed as a ‘live’ trance communication in 2022. In the transcript that follows, some minor adjustments have been made involving the transposition of the occasional word and the removal of small repetitions of phrases which are the norm in the spoken word but less appropriate in a written version.
Soul Group Messages – X (part 2).
Spirit Communicator: ‘The Librarian’
The Librarian:
I wish to begin my talk with the words: ‘Silence, please …silence, please! No talking in the library!’
[Laughing] Why do I begin in this way? Because I have a specific task in my spiritual sphere at the moment (and there are many of us) – I suppose you could call me a librarian in that I am in charge of what presently manifests as a thousand books …a hundred thousand books …a million books …a billion books! And, if you were to see me now, I would – if you were expecting to meet a male librarian – be male; if you were expecting a female librarian – be female. I am both. I am neither. I have moved on from these things, but I manifest according to the expectations of those who come to me.
Why do people in the spiritual sphere that I inhabit at the moment come to me?
They come to me because they wish to enter my library and they wish to take down certain books. And, as a result of opening those books, they wish to gain insight into the experiences of people who have lived on Earth – people who have had experiences that they perhaps have not, or have gone through similar circumstances to the people requesting sight of those books but have tackled them in a different way and wish to enhance their vision of earthly experience by engrossing themselves, if you like, in a ‘book’.
Now, I must mention at this juncture that things are changing in my library [smiling] and not to my approval, I am afraid. Whereas each life that is available for viewing has for an awful long time been represented by a book, of late each life is now being represented by a tablet, or a computer, or a flash drive, or some other high-tech means of containing information. It is only a metaphor – whether it is a book or a computer screen or a monitor – it is a metaphor for what I am really presenting to people. But, nevertheless, I am traditional in that I prefer the printed word and the bound word and so I will be a little saddened if all the books that are on display in my library are at some stage replaced by representations of technology. And, I am sure at some point in the future (if the Earth continues with civilisation as it is at present – a refined civilisation, of course, or it will not continue as it is at present) then some other form of representation of records will slowly take over on my shelves – replacing the computer monitors and tablets and such paraphernalia.
Why would you have need of a library in one of the spiritual spheres – actually in several of the spiritual spheres because mine is not the only library?
Because the library gives access, as I have said, to souls wishing to enlighten themselves further by viewing the lives of others. A soul, for example, in a particular spiritual sphere will feel that they can benefit by viewing how certain other souls have gone through experiences that they either wish to experience or have gone through themselves but wish a more holistic view of how they could have tackled those challenges …and so they come to me.
And, I advise them as to which books would be of value to them – which books would help them accomplish what they wish to accomplish. Then, having agreed to view a book or several books, I send out a ‘call’ to the spirits whose earthly lives these books represent and ask them whether they give permission for their lives to be viewed. This is an instant thing. It may seem that I am doing something that on Earth would be impossible and, yes, I am. But what actually goes out is a call on the frequency of each soul whose book the spirit wishing to view those books, wishes to see. And instantly I get a reply – either: ‘Yes, that is fine’, or: ‘No, that isn’t fine’. And I have to make you understand that there is also another connection that goes out. As I ask each spirit whether the spirit that wishes to view their book can do so, I also connect them momentarily with the vibrations of the spirit wishing to view the book to help them decide whether they feel that their life would benefit that spirit and, indeed, whether they wish to share their life with that particular spirit personality.
That having been done, let us say that three spirits have said: ‘Yes, it is fine for the spirit wishing to view my life to view it’. I then take the spirit wishing to view those lives into a room and I present them with the three books. They have three books in front of them. I then leave them in silence and in peace and they open one book at a time.
As they open the book, the room around them disappears and they are immersed in the life of the person whose book they wish to view. From that life, they can fast forward, they can reverse and they can, by simply wishing it, move forwards in that life to the point of the experience that they wish to view so that they are not caught up in… not trivia but other aspects of that life that are of no interest to them.
Then, if they so wish, they can view that experience as …the nearest analogy I can get is… a ‘recording’ or they can immerse themselves in that experience and become that person for the length of the experience whilst also retaining their spirit personality. They become the person but they are still their individual spirit personality so that they can withdraw at any time and so that they can stop the experience at any time and make ‘notes’ as it were …note down what is happening …note down how they feel about it …note down whether it is helping them to advance and understand spiritual concepts or whether it is not of use to them. They then decide at some stage to, metaphorically speaking, ‘close the book’ and they move on to the next book.
Once they have taken on board enough information and found what they were seeking, the room appears around them again. I move into the room; I take the books from them; I bless them and they return to their life in the spiritual sphere they came from to visit the library. And, they contemplate what they have just been through with a view to many things …with a view to moving onwards to a higher sphere perhaps …with a view to understanding themselves better …with a view to understanding an aspect of humanity better so that they can, if they so wish, come back to humanity in spirit form to try to communicate and help those who are going through similar circumstances.
I mentioned earlier that there has to be an agreement from those whose lives spirits visiting me wish to view – that those lives can be viewed. If they refuse to allow a viewing of their life, then that spirit cannot view that life. If they refuse to let anyone view that life, then their ‘book’, as it were, remains on the ‘shelf’ and cannot be accessed until such time as they agree that what they have gone through and what they have done in their past life (lives actually – each ‘book’ has many ‘chapters’) then, only when they agree for that book to be opened, can it be opened.
Every life has a book.
You will know this from the life review – from the book Your Life After Death. Each one of you makes a record of your experience for your sake and for the sake of other spirits in times to come in your future in the spiritual spheres. There is a book and you are writing that book and are putting in snapshots and experiences and emotions every day of your life on Earth.
We have other books that are not easily accessible. We have books that are being written (they write themselves second by second) by those who, unfortunately, are at present in lower vibrations – in the Lower Astral, for example. It would not be a good idea for any spirit to read that book and, indeed, if a spirit has elevated itself to a certain extent, then the vibrations of those lower ‘books’, as it were, would not connect with that spirit. There would be nothing in there of interest to them and the experience – were they to lower their vibrations so that they could gain access to those books – would be an upsetting one and detrimental to their joy – to the bliss that they feel in being in the spirit spheres.
So, there are books that are accessible with permission; there are books that would not be a good idea to access; and there are books that are accessed by higher expressions of life. We have visitors from the angelic realms who study the books – again, with permission. We are not allowed to show them if a spirit does not give permission – free will is a constant throughout all the spheres. They visit to hone their experiences, to recall their lives on Earth and to seek ways particularly at this time to influence (by ‘influence’ I mean ‘suggest’) a course to spirits on Earth that might – and will, if they adhere to it – see them out of the troubled times that you are experiencing at present.
So, it is not yet your time to do so but you are very welcome to visit my library at some stage in your spiritual future when you have left the Earth behind but are still wishing to learn from the experiences that the Earth has brought to you.
The library is a place where people, who are ‘on the cusp’, as it were, who cannot decide whether to come back to Earth for another incarnation (we always advise them not to) or to move on into the spiritual spheres, are very often urged to visit so that they can view experiences that are similar to the ones that are pulling them back to Earth from another viewpoint. They can turn to the ‘last chapter’, as it were, in similar lives and see what the likely outcome of them investing in another life on Earth, with a particular goal in life, would be. And, I am always pleased when they return a book to me and say, ‘I’ve decided to move on’. There’s such joy!
As with all things in the spiritual spheres – where does my library and the other libraries exist?
…Everywhere and nowhere!
Everywhere and nowhere! It is an edifice that instantly presents itself to a questing spirit the moment that they seek advice, the moment that they wish to look at one of the books on our shelves, and the shelves are everywhere and nowhere, too. Everywhere and nowhere – we have our own individual sphere, I suppose you would call it, but it is linked to all of the other spheres so that we can instantly be called in and spirits can instantly visit us whenever they wish to take advantage of our facilities.
[Smiling] It is a joyous thing! You cannot imagine the depth and breadth of experience that is available to those moving through the cleansing spheres via the library. You cannot imagine the wealth of experience …emotional experience …mental experience …physical experience that is available to them and the opportunity to learn from triumphs and from mistakes.
And so, I leave you as someone that you will, no doubt at some stage in your existence, come face to face with. The face that you give me, the form that you give me, is up to you. I will draw it from the past lives and past images that I have of myself. I look forward to sharing, with permission, aspects of life with you that you have perhaps not considered and to filling in the blanks in your life because remember that your lives – your past life and current life – are only one viewpoint, are only one perspective, and there are many, many more.
Thank you for allowing me to, perhaps, broaden your perspective and I will take good care of the book of your life, which [smiling] I am not allowed to peek into …but I am allowed to be custodian of and to make sure that it fits into the matrix of experience at the correct slot.
God bless you all!