A new series examining aspects of spiritual life you may not have considered before.
Part Six: ‘Uninvited passengers’ – and what to do about them (continued…)
(Author’s note – This time we commence our continuing examination of the unseen negative forces we can all at times fall foul of without us being consciously aware of their existence and effect on us with some practical advice from Joseph concerning the ’feeders’ we began to cover last time and what you can do to rid yourself of them [taken from a far more detailed chapter on this subject in his book The Spaces Between]. If you haven’t read the initial part of this article – Insights and Inspirations Part Five – I highly recommend you do so to bring yourself up to speed on the topics this instalment will cover before continuing here).
“Well, first of all, we have to go back to the state of meditation. It is so important that you meditate daily and take yourself out of the ‘fast lane’ of this life and spend some time reviewing the state that you are in – not just physically but spiritually. In meditation, you come to a point where you can determine whether the thoughts that you are having and your predominant feelings and moods are solely yours, are partially yours or belong to something else. And, at that point, in daily meditation you will also be able to see with your third eye the feeders attached to you and where they are. You will sometimes feel a tightness across the throat that signifies that one of their tentacles has connected itself there; or you will feel a heaviness across the forehead, as though you are wearing a hat, which denotes that there is a connection to a feeder at that point; and there are various other points across the body.
“Having determined that you are ‘not alone’, as it were, and are providing a ‘tasty snack’ for some of these beings, you then have to deal with them. The most efficient way to deal with them is to use the action of your physical hands and arms and to see yourself pulling away the feeder from the point at which it has attached itself to you. If you reach out with your psychic senses, you will feel the width, breadth, and form of the feeder, and you can put your hands around it and then gently draw it away from the chakra. As you do so, you will normally notice that the main body of the feeder is not the only aspect of it but that there are tentacles attached to the chakra in question. Keep pulling outwards from your body until you feel that you have moved the feeder far enough away from your body so that the connection to your chakra detaches.
“…And at that point you find yourself with hands full of feeder!
“You have got the being away from you in that it is not drawing energy anymore, but you have not dealt with it and it is still there.
“So, now hold it and use your ability, as an angelic child connected to God, to put Light into it – not the low level of vibration that it has been attached to you by and feeding from, but a higher level… White Light… God-Light. See, in your mind’s eye, the God-Light infusing that feeder and see the feeder becoming lighter and lighter and lighter. Then, there will come a point at which you will feel the weight in your hands dissipate and you will feel the feeder disappear. You will feel it disintegrate, as it were, into the White Light and it will, most certainly, be disconnected from you so that it can no longer connect to you and you are of no use to it.
“This exercise should be done at least once a week and should certainly be done whenever you feel that your mood has suddenly changed and there is no apparent reason for it – if you wake up depressed or fearful, for example, for no apparent reason and you didn’t go to sleep with that weight upon you.
“As with all physical life here the feeder has a need to exist, and remember that you have partially created it. So, there is a responsibility (even to these feeders that you could call ‘psychic ticks’ that connect to people) to restore this Earth to a balance of vibration that excludes that type of sentience being formed.
“As I have said, the feeders are a coalescing of your fears and worries and your aches and pains, but they are also a pocket of expression from the Field, which is set to negative (as we have discussed in previous books). It is as though the Field is using that analogy of the pincushion that I gave you in an earlier chapter and putting out aspects of itself that are partially sentient and partially aware. And so, you can regard feeders as little pinpoints of coalesced Field-energy that are having a high old time by connecting to you… but the irony is that they were created by you in the first place – as was the Field of consciousness. So, we are back to the project that I have given you from the beginning of these books which is the need to project Light into the Field; and also not to be disturbed if you find yourself connected to a feeder or ‘psychic tick’ but to love it away and to love the Field away through the projection of Light.
“In your dealings with people, be aware that when they react badly to you oftentimes it is because they too have unseen ‘guests’ feeding at the ‘table’ of their spiritual and psychic energy. And so, in dealing with people in a potentially explosive situation where there could be an argument or worse, before your meeting with these people or at the time when they are acting unreasonably, project enough Light to surround them and infuse their bodies with Light so that their ticks dissipate. The feeders can only connect to a low level of energy. When you are depressed… when you are fearful… when you are worried… when you are ill, the amount of Light you exhibit is shrouded, is shadowed and becomes darker and greyer – and it is that Light that allows the feeders and ticks to maintain themselves. They cannot cope with a higher level of spiritual energy.“
– I regularly check myself for such ‘attachments’ and, if I find any, deal with them as Joseph recommends above.

Now… thus far in this mini-series of articles we’ve looked at the ability of certain discarnate spirits who have not yet moved on from the earth plane to connect with souls still in the body, encouraging their ‘victims’ to indulge in physical excesses and, as a consequence of doing so, to unknowingly permit their ‘unwanted passengers’ to vicariously re-experience earthly pleasures. I’ve also examined the phenomena of ‘feeders’, semi-sentient thought forms capable of attaching themselves to a person’s energy centres and keeping their host in a depleted state of being in order to gorge themselves with ‘watered down’ spiritual energies that allow them to survive and maintain their existence…
In doing so I seem to have painted quite a bleak and scary picture of the unseen world around us, don’t I? My intention, however, has not been to frighten you but to empower you to ‘read the signs’ and take positive action should you ever feel you are under attack from the negative forces Joseph and I have described to this point. Forewarned is forearmed, and in recognising the ‘symptoms’, either in yourself or in others, from now on you will be able to reach into your ‘spiritual medical cabinet’ whenever necessary to bring out and apply appropriate and effective cures. ‘But Michael’, you are no doubt screaming in frustration by this point, Joseph has told us what to do about feeders, but you haven’t provided us with a single cure yet!’ I will shortly, Dear Reader, I promise, but I first needed to furnish you with a comprehensive list of the negative influences that can impinge on you. Talking of which, there’s one more phenomenon I must add to that list, and it’s one you will likely be very familiar with as most of us encounter it on a regular basis. Let me ask you this: How often have you begun your day bright, breezy, and upbeat only to meet up with a friend, family member or work colleague and then, following that connection, find yourself feeling absolutely dreadful… drained… tired… listless… ill?
You’re no doubt familiar with the term ‘psychic vampire’. It’s often used to describe those individuals who, when we’re in their presence, seem to have an uncanny knack of making us feel as though we’re losing the will to live. They seem to somehow drain the life essence out of us whenever we’re with them… sometimes even when we’re only in contact with them via our phones. In fact, and almost always unknown to them, that’s exactly what they’re doing. Usually, it’s because such individuals have an urgent need for life-force energy. For a variety of reasons, they’re burning up more spiritual energy than they are personally capable of generating and maintaining, so each time they connect with you they automatically siphon off some of yours. In almost all cases they’re completely unaware consciously that they’re doing this, but as a needy spirit they take the opportunity on a subconscious level to top themselves up, using you as a convenient ‘filling station’ whenever you come into contact with them.
What to do in such circumstances?
Often these individuals are friends and family members – there’s no way we would seek to shun them, but how can we stop them leaving us feeling so depleted? Silver Star, a key communicator from Joseph’s soul group, once recommended that I place myself, using my imagination, in a transparent silver ‘bell jar’ construct which I should see forming around my head then descending around my body and tucking under my feet to provide all-round protection should I think it likely that I’m about to find myself in situations where my energy could be siphoned off, and to do this before encountering such situations or connecting with a person/persons known to have a detrimental, draining effect on my being.
We can’t always be prepared in advance, of course, as we are often dropped into circumstances we have no way of anticipating ahead of schedule, and as a result we sometimes discover – too late – that we are suddenly in the presence of a someone or ‘someones’ with a need for the spiritual energy we can unwittingly provide them with.
In such cases a damage limitation, exercise is the quickest way to re-establish our spiritual equilibrium and prevent any further ‘leakage’. The ‘bell jar’ image can, of course, be rapidly deployed around you at any stage during your interaction with an energy-drainer to stop further life force being taken from you, with you in your mind’s eye then flooding the ‘inside space’ between the interior of the jar and you at its centre with restorative gold light. Then, once your unfortunate encounter is over, you can head straight for the nearest sink. Turn on the cold-water tap, run the water with some force, and hold your wrists under the vigorous flow. You will feel life force energy streaming back into your body. Also splash/sprinkle/flick drops of water over the crown of your head, and in a downwards, cutting motion across your brow and heart centre with your fingertips whilst affirming that any connection that has been made has just been severed. As you do this also mentally run through your principal chakras and systematically close and seal each one (safely opening and closing the chakras is explained and demonstrated in my free Higher Consciousness Living course – Module 1 Part 5).
And once again at this point I’ve run out of available space. I rather suspected this involved subject would require three segments to do it justice. Next time, in the concluding part, I’ll offer and explain more techniques to help you maintain spiritual balance and to keep yourself safe from ‘unwanted passengers’ and negative unseen forces.
Thank you for your patience and I do hope you’ll join me then.
that’s very helpful thank you .Blessingson your work